Page 25 - EducationWorld September 2023
P. 25

         education which was made a concur-
         rent subject during the Emergency,   Campus chaos
         should be brought back to states” — a
         long pending demand. “If brought un-  he mysterious death on august
         der state control, the education poli-  10 of Swapnadip Kundu, a
         cies can be tailored to suit the specific  Tfirst-year Bengali literature
         needs and culture of states, leading to   student of Kolkata’s high-ranked
         more relevant curricula and pedago-  Jadavpur University (JU, estb.1905),
         gies. Also, states are better positioned   because of alleged ragging by a group
         to  preserving  and  promoting  local   of senior students has once again
         languages, history, and culture. The   brought the issue of harassment and
         role of the Centre should be restricted   ragging into the national spotlight.
         to providing guidelines, financial and   Thus far, 13 students, including three
         technical  support,”  says  Gajendra   former students, have been arrested
         Babu.                            for abetment of suicide.
            In support of this contention, Ga-  Swapnadip’s death has sent
         jendra  Babu  argues  that  until  1976   shockwaves across the state because
         when education was made a concur-  JU is West Bengal’s show-piece
         rent  subject,  Tamil  Nadu  had  built   university ranked #4 nationally
         an impressive record of being India’s   in EducationWorld’s government
         most educated state with numerous   multidisciplinary universities rank-
         technical institutes, medical colleges   ings 2023-24, and #4 by the Union
         and primary schools every 3 km and   education ministry’s NIRF Univer-  ments were revoked by the state’s
         high  schools  at  every  5  km.  “States   sity Rankings as well.   Trinamool Congress (TMC) govern-
         have  vast experience in running   With ragging continuing in Ben-  ment. Therefore on August 10 when
         schools and colleges, so why not re-  gal’s top-ranked varsity, it is a clear   Swapnadip died, JU didn’t have a VC
         store the pre-1976 arrangement?” he   indicator that the recommendations   and the offices of three deans were
         queries.                         of the anti-ragging committee consti-  also vacant. Moreover, student union
            While there is some merit in this   tuted in 2009 under the chairman-  elections traditionally held annu-
         argument, academics in Chennai warn   ship of former Central Bureau of   ally, have not been held regularly
         that it’s important to bear in mind that   Investigation director R.K. Ragha-  over the past decade after the TMC
         India is a Union of States. “If there’s   van which inter alia recommended   government’s clampdown on them
         no commonality of curriculum and es-  separate hostel accommodation for   following incidents of violence. The
         pecially in the teaching of languages   first-year students and installation   last student union election at JU
         and core subjects, it could lead to bal-  of CCTVs, are not being followed in   was held in 2020. So there wasn’t
         kanisation of India. Mobility of labour   West Bengal’s 26 universities.   a students’ governing council at JU
         and capital and India’s huge market —   According to academics in Kol-  when this young scholar met his end,
         its greatest attraction — could be nul-  kata, one of the major reasons for   either.
         lified. NCF-SE 2023 provides a broad   persistence of ragging in JU is weak   Moreover, with the UGC discon-
         curriculum framework within which   administration. After the nine year   tinuing its grant of Rs.4 crore per
         states have considerable space to pro-  tenure of last full-time vice chancel-  year and the state government also
         mote their own histories and culture.   lor Suranjan Das ended on May 31,   having slashed its budget for JU
         A national curriculum framework is   the VC’s office has been vacant be-  with dues pending since 2019, JU is
         a necessity for national unity going   cause of an ongoing dispute between   experiencing a serious funds crunch.
         forward. The DMK and chief minister   the state government and the Central   Evidently despite being the show-
         Stalin are playing dangerous electoral   government-appointed governor of   piece university of Bengal, JU has
         politics by interfering with children’s   West Bengal C.V. Ananda Bose, ex   been floundering in a sea of troubles.
         education,” says a Chennai-based so-  officio chancellor of all universities   Therefore, within the students’
         cial scientist, speaking on condition of   statewide.             community there is apprehension
         anonymity.                         As reported in June by this    that the state government is all set
            As an ancient sage observed: “A   correspondent, although this is a   to raise tuition fees, which have
         politician thinks about the next elec-  ceremonial office, Governor Ananda   remained static for 22 years. Tuition
         tion; only a statesman thinks about   Bose suo motu appointed interim   fees are a hot potato subject in public
         the next generation”.            vice chancellors in 11 state universi-  higher education countrywide —
                   Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)  ties (including JU) whose appoint-  especially in West Bengal, which was

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