Page 29 - EducationWorld September 2023
P. 29
Education Briefs
Haryana-Magic Bus and will encourage placement-linked Edureka, speaking on the occasion.
partnership skills training at affordable price with
the flexibility to learn from anywhere
Gurugram, august 9. Haryana School and at any time. On successful com- Avidii olympiad
Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad, imple- pletion of training, learners will get Mumbai, august 14. Avidii, an on-de-
menting agency for Samagra Shiksha prestigious co-branded certification mand EdTech platform, announced
(secondary school programme) of the from NSDC and Internshala under the launch of an Olympiad for mar-
government of Haryana, has part- the Skill India initiative. ginalised communities in association
nered with Magic Bus India Founda- “Early exposure to the world of with the West Bengal Headmasters
tion to empower government school work through internships has em- Association (WBHA). The Olympiad
teachers to deliver life skills education powered students to understand the programme aims to empower stu-
for fostering holistic development of importance of practical skills early dents in 150 schools for marginalised
adolescents in Panchkula, Gurugram, on in their college lives to prepare communities in Assam and West Ben-
and Yamuna Nagar districts. themselves for enriching careers. In- gal. To facilitate the Olympiad seam-
Under its teacher-led program, ternshala and NSDC share a common lessly, Avidii has also signed up with
Magic Bus Foundation will train vision to encourage career outcomes- institutions including Scordemy, La-
1,400 teachers to benefit 80,000 ado- based training and skill development lan Coaching Classes, School on Web,
lescents in 700 government schools. in students to help them get the best and School e-diary.
These teachers will impart 21st centu- start to their careers,” said Sarvesh “This Olympiad aims to provide
ry life skills including self-awareness, Agrawal, founder-CEO of Intern- students with an opportunity that
self-management, collaboration, em- shala, speaking on the occasion. can uplift their lives, open doors to
pathy, decision-making, problem- higher education, and get exposure to
solving, communication, negotiation, Cambridge-Edureka online the competitive world by sharpening
assertiveness, and adaptability to ado- their learning skills to national and
lescents in classes VI-X. courses international levels,” said Deepak
“The partnership with Magic Bus Subbarao, co-founder, Avidii.
is a significant step towards providing Chennai, august 22. University of Cam-
life skills education to our adolescents, bridge Online has signed an agree- BITS-Pilani’s Ph D-Drive
enabling them to become self-reliant ment with Edureka, a subsidiary of
and contributing members of society,” the Chennai-based Veranda Learning Delhi, August 19. BITS-Pilani has
said Sanjay Kumar, consultant, Solutions, to bring three higher educa- launched an innovative Ph D program
Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojna tion online courses, led by Cambridge that will result in promotion of start-
Parishad. academics, to India. ups based on Ph D students research.
The three courses uploaded on The program will focus on develop-
Internshala-NSDC the Edureka platform are: Human- ment of deep tech and deep science
computer interaction for AI systems
startup ventures to solve some of the
agreement design, led by Prof. Per Ola Kristens- most critical challenges confronting
son, an expert in interactive systems business and society.
New delhi, august 1. Internshala, a Gu- engineering; Leveraging big data for The new program, named Ph D-
rugram-based career-tech platform, business intelligence, under guidance Drive (deep-tech research, innovation,
has signed an agreement with the Na- of Dr. Russell Hunter, professor of value generation & entrepreneurship)
tional Skill Development Corporation computational neuroscience, and se- will admit students with expertise in
(NSDC), under which the latter has nior software engineer at Cambridge; technology and science, with clear in-
authorised Internshala to empower Creativity, problem solving and design tent to promote startups. The program
India’s youth with futuristic skills. thinking, led by Prof. Nathan Crilly, a will include courses in entrepreneur-
The partnership will impact 300,000 professor of design, department of en- ship, incubation and fund-raising for
learners over a period of three years gineering at Cambridge. solutions/products.
and invest them with practice-based, “Upskilling is the real need of the “The target is to incubate 100
new-age skilling including data sci- hour. As we offer courses from the startups by 2030. Thus far, BITS-
ence, electric vehicle, digital market- University of Cambridge Online in Pilani alumni have promoted over
ing, machine learning, programming, India, it exemplifies how committed 7,400 startups of value including 13
web development, UI/UX design, IoT, we are to offering unparalleled world- unicorns and a decacorn worldwide,”
among others. class courses that blend academic bril- said Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao, vice
The partnership will also facilitate liance with real-world applications,” chancellor, BITS-Pilani, addressing
paid internships for young learners said Vineet Chaturvedi, CEO of the media.