Page 36 - EW-June-2024
P. 36
Young Achievers
ity utilization levels. An alert alarm
ensures timely waste collection by
municipal workers which prevents
spillover and refuse choking drains.
The elder child of veterinary
surgeon mother Dr. Pawandeep
Kour, and father Dr. Parveen Singh,
a computer science professor at
the Government Degree College,
Udhampur, a national awardee and
patent holder himself, Karman is
hugely inspired by his father. “I at-
tribute my achievement to parental
and school support. In particular,
my father taught me all about smart
technologies and helped me research
VIVO IGNITE CHAMPS form of tiles, to convert mechanical and flesh out the Smart Dustbin
energy generated by people walking
idea,” acknowledges this young new
on them into electrical energy for age inventor.
n AM Naik School, Powai, powering streetlights,” says Vedan- Karman is also thankful to
Mumbai (estb.2022) team — shi, a medical science enthusiast. encouraging and facilitative JPS
Acomprising class IX students These young wizzes are beholden teachers and the management which
Vedanshi Mehta, Aarav Mohanraj to their teachers — Manju Narin, has established an innovation hub
and Arushi Ganguly — was declared Deepali Kulkarni and robotics teach- in the school. “My school made me
National Winner of the Vivo Ignite er Yatin Kulkarni. “We intend to feel very special by enabling me and
Science & Innovation Ver. 2.0 com- upgrade and perhaps commercialise publicizing my invention. Several
petition for innovating prototypes these products with the aid and JPS students have successfully inno-
of green, energy-efficient, economi- advice of A.M. Naik Sir, our school’s vated app-based solutions to social
cal and safe Smart Street devices. founder and former chairman of problems, some of which are recog-
The finale was staged in New Delhi Larsen & Toubro,” says Aarav, a nised by the Massachusetts Institute
on February 10. An eminent jury sentiment echoed by team members of Technology (USA), among other
awarded a purse of Rs.7 lakh and a Vedanshi and Aarushi. universities,” he adds.
glittering trophy to the team. “We are already in touch with “Civic safety and cleanliness is the
The Vivo Ignite Awards, a CSR him,” says team leader Vedanshi. core purpose of my Smart Dustbin.
initiative of Vivo India, is open to Wind in your sails! I hope it will be commercialised
classes VIII-XII students country- Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru) soon and also adopted by the PM’s
wide. NCERT and iHub DivyaS- Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan,” says
ampark — IIT- Roorkee are its Karman, who has plans to enroll
knowledge partners. This year, Vivo in a computer engineering degree
Ignite attracted 19,000 entries and KARMAN SINGH program after completing his Plus
4,000 project proposals. Conducted Two and make a career as a full-time
over three rounds, the competition evolted by stinking storm inventor.
required participants to ideate and water drains choked with gar- Way to go!
design innovative green energy Rbage in Jammu’s Nanak Nagar Autar Nehru (Delhi)
projects for positive social impact. neighbourhood, Karman Singh, a
Challenged by atmospheric pol- class X student of the
lution and rising road accidents in city’s top-ranked Jod-
Mumbai, this team of 14-year-olds hamal Public School
presented three devices — an eco- (JPS), has designed a
friendly streetlight shade made with Smart Dustbin solu-
stubble and dried leaves; a hydrau- tion. Last November,
lic portal to transport pedestrians Karman was awarded
safely across traffic-choked urban a British patent for his
roads, and an air purifier based on revolutionary inven-
Direct Air Capture technology. tion.
“We also presented waterproof The Smart Dust-
touch sensors to be placed on the bin combines radio
edge of pavements to alarm dis- technology with an
tracted pedestrians on their mobile IoT-integrated waste
phones that they are at risk of being management system
injured by passing motor cars. In to track the status of
addition, we proposed piezoelectric dustbins citywide,
material for use in pavements in the checking their capac-