Page 64 - EW-June-2024
P. 64
Special Report
marketing, Edunext Technologies Pvt.
Ltd (estb.2012) on ‘Strengthening
Communication, Streamlining
Operations’, during which he high-
lighted the distinguishing features of
the company’s flagship EduNext ERP
which ensures efficient functioning of
academic institutions.
The post-lunch session of the in-
augural day began with an informa-
tive presentation by Deepika Singh,
an alumna of the Stanford Graduate
Business School and TeDx speaker, on
‘Exposing Hidden Dangers Tar-
geting Schools & Children’. Dur-
ing her 20-minute data-driven pre-
sentation, Dr. Singh exhorted school
leaders to pay close attention to the Sandeep Kumar: local & global focus Dr. Jagpreet Singh: practical advice
rising incidence of online predators
targeting schools and children, and and global,” advised Kumar, also an Resilience in Education Leader-
the importance of investing in cyber accomplished artist, who interspersed ship’.
Citing examples of common cri-
safety and security systems. his presentation with photographs of ses of education institutions such as
I n the afternoon session, man life in countries where he served confrontations (bandhs, boycotts,
his paintings depicting nature/ hu-
strikes), natural (tsunamis, earth-
as a diplomat.
Sandeep Kumar, an alum
Informing the assembly that global
of Delhi and Cambridge (UK)
universities and former India citizenship is embedded in the United quakes, etc), human-devised disas-
ters (cyberattack, pilferage), Dr. Singh
Ambassador to Ireland and Croatia, Nations’ Sustainable Development provided valuable practical advice to
advised the assembled school lead- Goal #4 which proclaims inclusive, school leaders to incorporate crisis
ers on ways and means to ‘Cultivate quality education for all, Kumar ad- management responses into their
Global Citizenship in Schools,’ a vised school leaders to proactively schools’ standard operating proce-
subject of critical importance in the integrate global citizenship education dures (SOPs). “Effective leaders are
fast globalising world. into the curriculum. proactive, evaluate risks and prevent
In the third MasterClass of the day, “Over 1,500 schools around the and/or defuse crises by establishing
Kumar, a foreign service bureaucrat world have already integrated global comprehensive SOPs incorporating
with 36 years of experience, highlight- citizenship education in their curricu- compliance processes, and conducting
ed the imperative of school leaders lums. This includes teaching children regular emergency drills. They iden-
equipping children with values, skills collaboration, critical thinking, re- tify and anticipate threats and devise
and knowledge to develop into proac- sponsiveness, problem-solving skills robust institutional responses that en-
tive and responsible global citizens and cross-cultural awareness and re- able quick recovery from crises to less-
with capabilities to address global spect for diversity. Every school and en impact,” he advised school leaders.
problems and challenges. “Centuries educator has an obligation to provide In his 70-minutes 28-slides power
ago, our Upanishads proclaimed va- students opportunities to explore point presentation, Dr. Singh recom-
sudhaiva kutumbakam (the world is complex global issues and acquire the mended setting up compliance com-
one family) and advocated collective skills and knowledge to take action mittees to prevent and manage crises.
well-being of humanity. Today, global to shape a more inclusive, just, equi- “It’s important for every school to ap-
solidarity is more important than ever table, peaceful, and sustainable world point a crisis manager/officer with a
as humanity is confronted with the for all,” he concluded. 3-4 member compliance committee,
challenges of climate change and ter- The ultimate MasterClass of Day and conduct mock drills. Such pre-
rorism. We live in an inter-dependent 1 was presented by Dr. Jagpreet paredness cushions the impact of cri-
world and our schools need to equip Singh, Headmaster of the top-ranked ses. Moreover, school leaders need to
children with the capability to address The Doon School, Dehradun and a pay attention to crisis communication
larger global issues. School leaders member of the Headmasters and to stakeholders, especially parents. A
have a responsibility to lead teachers Headmistresses Conference, UK. The good leader is committed to the well-
and students to think and act local subject: ‘Crisis Management and being of all stakeholders, and is able