Page 65 - EW-June-2024
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to motivate people to confront and thinking is required when you need
overcome crises. Educational leader- whole school transformation,” he said.
ship demands team-work, prepared- “Some change-making decisions
ness and proactivity, while developing can be made instantly. However, insti-
capability to learn from every experi- tutional transformation is a long-term
ence,” he concluded to thunderous process requiring careful deliberation.
applause. Leaders who want to transform their
D r. Singh’s enthusiastically damental difference and not be mis-
schools should understand this fun-
led that their short-term changes will
was followed by a panel
discussion ‘Redefin- be transformational,” said Kulkarni,
whose lecture also elicited enthusias-
ing Assessment Practices: Mov- tic audience response.
ing Beyond Traditional Testing Moreover, Gen. Kulkarni advised
to Measuring Holistic Student school leaders to encourage teachers
Growth’ moderated by Bhavin and students to develop a questioning
Shah, CEO of EducationWorld. Pan- institutional culture. “An important
elists who shared their insights and Lt. Gen. Kulkarni: enthusiastic response duty of a transformational leader is to
experiences were Rashid Sharf- maintain high enthusiasm levels and
uddin, headmaster, SelaQui Inter- In his 70-minute address supple- engage with teachers and staff. Trans-
national School, Dehradun; Ankur mented by 28 Power Point slides, Lt. formational schools provide student
Vohra, Head, Institutional Partner- Gen. Kulkarni drew upon behavioural -centric learning; concepts driven,
ships of new age B-school Masters’ economist and Nobel laureate (2002) technology enabled curriculums in
Union, Gurugram; Dr. Anirudh Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking which teachers learn faster than stu-
Gupta, CEO, DCM Group of Schools, Fast Thinking Slow and his theory of dents; parents are partners rather
Ferozepur; Anita Sharma, Princi- System 1 and System 2 decision mak- than mere paymasters, and alumni
pal, Utpal Shanghvi Global School, ing to stress the importance of school are force multipliers. To prepare stu-
Mumbai and Manjot Dhillon, Di- leaders distinguishing between Sys- dents for the AI age, it’s imperative
rector, Invictus International School, tem 1 (fast) and System 2 (slow, de- for school leaders to create transfor-
Amritsar. liberate) processes. “School leaders mational, progressive 21st century
The consensus of the panel was need to learn when to make quick and schools,” he concluded.
that school leaders need to take de- slow, deliberated decisions. S1 think- Following Gen. Kulkarni’s bril-
termined proactive action to break ing is near-instantaneous reactionary liant address at the Lawrence School,
entrenched habits of rote learning and decision-making required in emer- Sanawar, a valedictory ceremony was
summative assessment to encourage gency situations. S2 decision-making held in which all 70 delegates to the
students’ innovation, thinking and is conscious, logical, and reflective, inaugural EW-BSAI Education Lead-
soft skills through new age testing. required for important decisions. S2 ership Retreat were presented partici-
The day concluded with a gala Host AJ Singh (centre): excellent opportunity pation certificates.
musical dinner. The three-day re-
MAY 11. On the last day of the treat ended with a one-
three-day leadership retreat, hour campus tour of the
the venue shifted to the neigh- vintage Lawrence School
bouring vintage Lawrence (estb.1847) with students
School, Sanawar (estb.1847). narrating the history,
In the fifth MasterClass, heritage, traditions of the
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Suren- school, and a farewell lunch
dra Kulkarni, former di- for delegates.
rector of the routinely high- “It was a pleasure and
ranked Mayo College, Ajmer honour for Pinegrove
and currently Secretary of the School to co-host this
Mayo College General Coun- unique Education Leader-
cil, advised school leaders on ship Retreat and welcome
ways and means to ‘Create a the 70 delegates from 16
Transformational School: states across India to the
Approaches & Strategies’. hills of Kasauli. It provided