Page 70 - EW-June-2024
P. 70


         “Our minds have been colonised by social media megacorps”

              ogi Kochhar is the Dharam-                                   of regulations and persisting with ar-
              shala-based former Director                                  chaic pedagogy. We must realise that
         Yof Microsoft India and cur-                                      our minds have not only been hi-
         rently founder of YOL Happiness                                   jacked, they have been colonised by
         Foundation and a happiness savant                                 social media apps that have trained
         and evangelist. Excerpts from an                                  our minds for neural switching ‘off’
         interview.                                                        and ‘on’ every three seconds.
                                                                             To counter this, YOL Happiness
         Congratulations for your appointment                              Foundation has designed a gamified
         as a director on the board of the World                           solution that has been approved by
         Happiness Foundation (WHF, estb.2022).                            AICTE — All India Council for Tech-
         What are the aims and objectives of the                           nical Education — which oversees
         foundation?                                                       technical higher education country-
         We work in partnership with the                                   wide. The foundation has the support
         United Nations, institutions, organ-                              of several truly eminent thinkers in
         isations, community leaders and                                   the higher ed space including Prof.
         individuals to attain the target of 10                            Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, Prof. T.G.
         billion free, conscious and happy                                 Sitharam, Prof. Abhay Karandikar
         people worldwide by 2050. It’s an                                 among others. They support our
         honour to be on the WHF board of                                  crusade to rescue children and youth
         globally respected eminences such as   rush that nudges us to buy more. The   from Western mind colonisation.
         marketing guru Prof. Philip Kotler,   YOL Happiness Foundation has been enables users to win back
         Dr. Satinder Rekhi, Dr. Saamdu   promoted to educate people to limit   the mind that Western social media
         Chetri and social entrepreneur   wants and optimise their lives by   magacorps have eroded.
         Luis Gallardo to name a few. We   pursuing happiness instead of wealth
         are aligned with all 17 SDGs of the   accumulation.               Therefore to counter the machinations of
         United Nations.                                                   Metaverse, Google and their apps such as
                                          How satisfied are you with the progress of   Facebook, X, Instagram and YouTube, you
         An economics and marketing alum of   the YOL Happiness Foundation in India?  have designed the YOL app? What are the
         Punjab University and the American   We have designed a blueprint for es-  features of the app?
         Global University, Florida, you began your   tablishing Happiness Cities in the US   YOL is an app approved by AICTE as
         career as a tea planter and later rose   and Europe. We have also designed   an essential program that provides
         to the position of Director of Microsoft   a Happiness blueprint that can be   a ‘mind map’ for students from class
         India.  What were the major factors   adopted by states in India. Currently,   VIII onwards. It enables social media
         that prompted you to exit industry and   India is building hundreds of Smart   users to assess the mind share lost
         promote the YOL Happiness Foundation   cities lacking soul and heart.   to mindless screen viewing — video
         ( in India?                                           reels and online trivia — on a daily
         My epiphany moment came when     An interesting proposition advanced   basis through colour-coded signal-
         I was in Maui, Hawaii, on vacation   by YOL Foundation is that third world   ing. By making users aware of time
         where I met and was inspired by   countries, India included, are experiencing   spent on random and ambiguous
         Harold Bloomfield, the celebrated   a “second colonization” by Western coun-  viewing, this app enables people
         author of books on happiness that   tries. Except that this time, it’s western   to rewire their brains and focus on
         have sold over 12 million copies   social media mega corporations who are   more important things rather than
         worldwide.                       invading and stealing the minds of our   random stuff such as the mating
           After meeting Harold, I became   children and youth by stuffing them with   habits of amazonian spiders. Today
         aware that excessive industrialisa-  trivia. Please elaborate.    young people are lost in a dark rab-
         tion, economic growth and wealth   Indian youth expend an average   bit hole where they suffer fear and
         accumulation have destroyed the   six hours per day on social media   anxiety that make their minds brittle,
         Earth’s forests and precipitated   watching video reels featuring   random, anxious, non-linear and
         climate change. Ironically last year,   trivia that is ambiguous, random and   weak.
         1,210 private jets streaming carbon   meaningless, devoid of any context
         dioxide landed for the annual World   or contiguity irrespective of whether   What are the future growth and outreach
         Economic Forum fiesta in Davos,   they bring their phone with them to   plans of YOL?
         to discuss the co-relation between   school or not. Neither parents, teach-  My partner Jaya Kumar and I have
         climate change and global poverty.   ers or youth are aware of this danger,   ideated and designed to en-
         To arrest climate change, we need   therefore it is our responsibility to   able people to remain at the centre
         to decarbonize the minds of people.   make them aware.            of this universe. We believe this app
         Primitive capital and goods accumu-  Today, education is a mere busi-  will help users to retain the mind-
         lation happens because our minds   ness sans true value creation with   share that has been taken away,
         seek to placate the dope or dopamine   educationists toeing the official line   hijacked, and colonised from them.

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