Page 150 - EW 1-156 May 2024
P. 150


         Urgent! Integrate alt energy

         in K-12 education

                                                                              TANYA SINGHAL

            N THE WAKE OF ESCALATING GREENHOUSE           By integrating alternative energy
            emissions and climate change impacts, as Planet Earth
            inches closer to the critical temperature rise thresh-  education into school curricula we must
         Iold of 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels, the urgency to   raise a generation with an informed
         pivot towards sustainable practices has never been more
         pronounced. An urgent requirement is introduction of al-  and proactive mindset towards
         ternative energy as a core subject in schools, emphasizing   environmental stewardship
         not just the importance of sustainability but ingraining it
         as a way of life for future generations.
         Urgency of climate action. Breach of the 1.5 C threshold   Career pathways and skill development. Introducing
         is not a distant threat but a looming reality, signalling a red   alternative energy as a subject in K-12 education will not
         alert for humanity’s impact on Earth. This milestone, once   only raise awareness, it will also create new career path-
         considered a limit to avoid catastrophic climate change, is   ways for students. The renewable energy industry is rap-
         now a benchmark we are dangerously close to surpassing.   idly growing and is poised to become a major employer in
         The urgency for immediate and sustained action has be-  future decades. By acquiring early exposure to this subject,
         come imperative especially for the younger generation, who   students can develop the skills and knowledge necessary to
         will inherit the consequences of today’s decisions.   pursue careers in renewable energy, environmental scienc-
         Understanding alternative energy. Alternative energy   es and sustainability. The National Education Policy (NEP)
         means generating electricity from renewable sources such   2020 advocates equipping students with practical skills and
         as solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass etc. These sources   knowledge, to make them more employable. It also aligns
         not only offer an endless supply of energy but also pres-  with the United Nations’ SDG 8 goal of promoting inclusive,
         ent a pathway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, combat   sustainable economic growth, full and productive employ-
         global warming, and safeguard the planet. Educating stu-  ment, and respectable work for all.
         dents about alternative energy sources, their benefits, and   Preparing future leaders. Students of today are the
         critical role in combating climate change is a necessary first   leaders, politicians, and change drivers of tomorrow. It is
         step towards a sustainable future.               essential that the concept of sustainability is ingrained in
         Need for early education in sustainability. Youth is   their K-12 years to shape their decisions and actions as they
         the springboard of change. Training students early ensures   step into roles of influence. By instilling early understand-
         that sustainability is embedded in all forms of their lifestyle   ing of clean energy and its importance, we can ensure that
         and comes naturally to them. By integrating alternative en-  the leaders of the future accord top priority to the health
         ergy education into school curricula, we can raise a gen-  of Planet Earth.
         eration with an informed and proactive mindset towards   Challenges & opportunities. Integrating alternative en-
         environmental stewardship. Such education goes beyond   ergy into school curricula is not without its challenges. It re-
         textbooks, encouraging students to think critically about   quires resources, trained educators, and commitment from
         energy consumption, conservation, and the impact of their   educational institutions to prioritise sustainability. How-
         actions on the health of Planet Earth.           ever, benefits far outweigh the costs. Governments, non-
         Curriculum integration: a multidisciplinary ap-  profit organisations, and private sector corporates should
         proach. Inclusion of alternative energy education in the   collaborate to provide funding, training, and resources to
         curriculum requires adoption of a multidisciplinary ap-  support the implementation of alternative energy educa-
         proach, integrating STEM (science, technology, engineer-  tion in schools.
         ing, and mathematics) with social studies, economics, and   Conclusion. Introduction of alternative energy as a sub-
         ethics. Such a comprehensive framework allows students   ject in schools is more than an educational reform; it’s a
         to explore the technical mechanics of solar panels, wind   necessary step towards securing a sustainable future for
         turbines, and hydroelectric power plants, conterminously   humankind. By empowering the next generation with the
         with study of environmental ethics of energy consumption   knowledge and skills to harness alternative energy, we can
         and economic principles underpinning a green economy.   inspire a generation of innovators and leaders committed
         Hands-on projects and experiments can bring these con-  to protecting our planet. Now is the time to act. Let’s seize
         cepts to life, allowing students to experience the tangible   this opportunity to ignite a passion for alternative energy
         impact of alternative energy solutions. Through project-  in the hearts and minds of young learners, to chart a course
         based learning and community initiatives, students can   towards a brighter, greener world.
         experience the tangible benefits of sustainable practices,
         inspiring them to adopt and advocate green solutions to   (Tanya Singhal is founder of the Gurgaon-based Mynzo Carbon and
         communities and society.                         SolarArise)

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