Page 52 - EW 1-156 May 2024
P. 52
Cover Story EW India Private University Rankings 2024-25
dedicated faculty to deliver globally
comparable world-class education
that stimulates research and in-
novation, intellectual curiosity, and
industry readiness capabilities of our
students. This top rank will motivate
us to further elevate the educational
experience we offer to consolidate
our position as India’s premier
multi-disciplinary university,” says
Dr. Balwinder Shukla, an alumna
of IIT-Kharagpur and Queen’s
University, UK, with three decades
of experience in academia appointed
vice chancellor of this flagship HEI
of the Amity Group in 2014.
Dr. Shukla believes the excellent
reputation that Amity, Noida has
acquired is attributable to the top
management’s focus on academic Ashoka’s Dr. Raychaudhury (centre): ambitious plans
excellence, diverse programmes, re-
search focus, industry connect, state- 2024-25 league table of private Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore #5
of-the-art infrastructure, vibrant multi-disciplinary universities, (3) complete the Top 5.
campus life that promotes holistic there’s been no rearrangement of A noteworthy feature of the EW
development, values-based educa- seating at top table. Amity is fol- 2024-25 league table of private
tion, global outlook and commitment lowed by the Manipal Academy multi-disciplinary universities is
to continuous improvement. This is of Higher Education (MAHE) that the new-age formerly liberal
confirmed by Amity U’s high scores at #2 with joint top score under the arts Ashoka University, Sonipat
under related parameters. research and innovation parameter, which debuted in the multi-disciplin-
In particular, Shukla singles out and the young Ashoka University, ary universities league table last year
AU’s commitment to research and Sonipat (estb. 2014), which has has not only retained its #3 rank of
innovation as the prime focus area recently transformed into a multi- 2023-24, but is awarded top scores
for this top-ranked varsity. “While disciplinary varsity with the intro- under the parameters of curriculum
we are proud of our scores in several duction of a range of STEM subjects, and pedagogy and industry inter-
parameters in the EducationWorld ranked #3. ICFAI Foundation for face. Dr. Somak Raychaudhury,
rankings, our top score in the area Higher Education, Hyderabad the polymath (Presidency, Kolkata,
of research and innovation is most at #4 (4) and Amrita Vishwa Oxford and Cambridge grad with
satisfying because it MAHE Chancellor Ranjan Pai (centre) & VC Dr. M.D. Venkatesh (left) teaching experience in Har-
reflects the quality and vard, and former Director
quantity of research of the Inter-University Centre
publications produced by for Astronomy & Astrophysics,
our faculty and students. Pune) who took charge as vice
It also demonstrates our chancellor at AU in 2023, is very
commitment to push- satisfied with the rapid progress
ing the boundaries of of this new genre varsity which
knowledge and contrib- has quickly transformed into a
uting meaningfully to multi-disciplinary HEI.
our chosen fields,” says “A decade ago, we set out
Shukla, ascribing the top to create a truly world-class
score under the param- university in India, and we
eter of leadership to the have made significant progress
“inspiring example” of towards that goal. We have
Chancellor Dr. Atul consistently aimed at achiev-
Chauhan. ing global standards under all
In the EW India parameters of higher education