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Arnold Lake Property Owners Association c/o Mike Toner
5420 Gronda
Harrison, MI 48625
       Dates to remember
Annual Meeting...Tentatively July 17th - 10 am Boat Parade...July 3rd - 7:30 pm
(see enclosed for details)
Design and Printing donated by First Impression Print & Marketing •
No association dollars were used.
In June 2019, we opened the Arnold Lake Property Owners Association group on Facebook. It was created for ALPOA members, their families, and people with close ties to the lake, such as past residents. The purpose of the group is to disseminate information, share our experiences on the lake, and get to know each other.
We have grown to 174 members as of April 29, 2021 and encourage all of you to join.
To join the group, open up Facebook, type Arnold lake property owners association in the Search box at the top of a page, and click the magnifying glass. You will see something similar to the picture bellow. You should see a button that says Join. Click on it to get started.
You will then see a page with 3 simple questions. Please answer the questions so that we know who you are. One of our administrators will review and approve your request.
We ask everyone to be kind and respectful to each other, no political or religious posts, no bullying or hateful speech, no advertising, and please keep it clean.
If you have trouble finding the Facebook page or joining, you can contact one of our administrators for help:
Denise Herman: (734) 776-1105 Cyndy Southern: (989) 415-8829 Michael Toner: (914) 388-2546
Happy posting!
During this past winter there were several instances of tree cutting debris left on the lake and one instance of tree trimmings set on fire and burned on the ice. The DNR was contacted related to the latter incident and advised the company to extinguish the fire and clean up the debris.
Every effort should be taken to prevent ashes from lawn clean up and campfires from entering the lake. Fire ash is undesirable and is a contaminant and pollutant in the lake.
The fish stocking program that began in
2013 has been highly successful thanks to
the generous donations of our members.
Every year we receive favorable comments related to the successful efforts of our sportsmen. We have been using Stoney Creek Fisheries in Grant, Michigan for the purchase and stocking of our fish.
On October 22, 2020, we stocked 690 Yellow Lake Perch in the 5” to 7” range and 691 Black Crappies in the 4” to 6” range at a cost of $2,800. We stock larger fish that are generally able to protect themselves from predator fish already in the lake. The Loons’ diet includes fish and there also have been several sightings of Bald Eagles taking fish.

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