Page 21 - E-Science Prim.4 concept1 t.1 _2024-2025_Neat
P. 21

How does the respiration process take place?

   Inhalation (Breathe in)                Exhalation (Breathe out)

It is a process by which the air rich in  It is a process by which the air rich
oxygen gas enters the lungs through        in carbon dioxide gas and water
                                             vapour are expelled out of the
            the nasal cavity.               lungs through the nasal cavity.

            We take oxygen gas            We expel carbon dioxide gas and
                                                      water vapor.

The diaphragm muscle contracts and        The diaphragm muscle relaxes
            moves downward.                      and moves upward.

The size of chest increases. (enlarges)    The size of chest decreases.

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