Page 22 - E-Science Prim.4 concept1 t.1 _2024-2025_Neat
P. 22

Fish breathes by
    gills not lungs.

 - Gills are unique structural adaptation allow fish to breathe
                               under water.

          - They are found on both sides of a fish’s head.
-Water enters the mouth of the fish and passes across the gills.
-Blood vessels inside the gills carry Oxygen to the rest of the
body and release Carbon-dioxide gas.
- Fish need clean water to survive as we need to breath clean
air to stay healthy.


They are small animals that live on land and in water such as

Frogs       Toads               Salamanders

-They can live in moist (wet) environments like rainforest,

            streams and ponds.

-Amphibians can breathe by lungs on land and by skin in water.

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