Page 17 - Cambridge 4 2nd term _Neat
P. 17
Layer (n.) -A level of material, such as a type of rock or gas, that
is different from the material above or below it, or a
Rub (v.) thin sheet of a substance.
-To press or be pressed against something with a
Reveal (v.) circular or up-and-down repeated movement.
-To make known or show something that is surprising
Sort out (v.) or that was previously secret.
-To separate one type of things from a group of
Grumpy things.
(adj.) -Easily annoyed and complaining.
Prop (v.) -To support something physically, often by leaning it
Exhibition against something else or putting something under it.
(n.) -An event at which objects such as paintings are
Inspired shown to the public.
(adj.) -Excellent, or resulting from inspiration
-Strong paper with sand or a similar rough thing
stuck to one side, used for rubbing a surface in order
to make it smoother