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P. 5

P.O.C                   Metals                     Non-metals

1- Definition:         They are elements have      They are elements have 5, 6
   (electrons in the   1, 2 or 3 electrons in the  or 7 electrons in the
   outermost energy    outermost energy level.     outermost energy level.
   level)                                          Except H1 has 1 & C6 has 4
                       They are solids except      They are solids and gases
2- The state at room   mercury (Hg) which is       except bromine (Br) which
   temperature:        the only liquid metal.      is the only liquid non-metal.
                       They have metallic          They don’t have metallic
3- Luster (shining):   luster (shiny)              luster. (opaque)

3- Conductivity of They are good                   They are bad conductors of
                                                   heat and electricity except
heat and conductors of heat and                    graphite (carbon) which is
                                                   used in dry cells.
electricity:           electricity.                They open the circuit.
                                                   They aren’t malleable or
5- Malleability and    They close the circuit      ductile. (brittle)
   ductility:                                      They crumble while
                       They are malleable and      hammering
                       ductile.                    Their atoms tend to gain an
                                                   electron or more and change
6- During the          Their atoms tend to give    into negative ions.
   chemical reaction:  or lose an electron or
                       more and change into        Low
7- Melting point       positive ions.


8- Examples            Sodium, copper, zinc, Carbon, sulphur,

                       silver & iron               phosphorus & iodine.

  Copper can be easily shaped                 Carbon is used in dry cell as it
    as it is metal & malleable.       5 is good conductor of electricity

Second Term
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