Page 10 - Science E-Book Prep.3 2024-2025 1st term_Neat unit 3,4
P. 10

Science Department

? The Modern theory of the world (Fred Hoyle 1944):

Scientist : Fred Hoyle( Alfred Hale)
Origin: Star rather than the Sun

This theory based on a phenomenon which is:
Star explosion phenomenon:
Glowing of a star for a short time to become one of the most
shining stars in the sky then its glowing disappears gradually
to return as it was.

- It may be due to the explosion of the star due to nuclear reactions.

-The stars size increases then the glowing increases.

- After the gases are cooled, its shining returns as it was.

Theory assumptions:

1. The existing of a star rotating near the sun.
2. The star was exposed to explosion due to huge nuclear
3. The force of the explosion led to:

  a) The bombing of the star’s nucleus away from the gravity of the sun.
  b) Gaseous cloud from the explosion remained around the sun.

4. A cloud of gas remained and was subjected to cooling and
contraction processes forming planets.
5. The force of the sun’s attraction controlled the orbits of planets
around it.


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