Page 11 - Science E-Book Prep.3 2024-2025 1st term_Neat unit 3,4
P. 11
Science Department
*Technological applications:
1. The solar telescope:
- It’s an equipment that centered on the Earth or carried into the
space in order to study the sun.
- The sun light is gathered then separated by spectrometer into a
solar spectrum.
- This telescope works on reflecting the sun rays downwards to a
mirror in a tunnel under the Earth’s surface.
Spectrometer: The sunlight separated into it to shows the different
light wavelengths emitted by the sun.
The Hubble telescope:
- It was launched in April 1990, and rotate around the Earth with a
height 500 km.
- It collects picture representing the evolution of the universe after
the Big Bang.
- It collects photos for the universe that give us details about its
state since millions of years to study the evolution of the
universe after the Big Bang.
First Term