Page 10 - part 2ffinal_Version_Science_BB_Prim.4_(2nd_term)_2024-2025[1]_Neat
P. 10


                            The process of laying down of sediments after its erosion.

                            It occurs when eroded materials stop moving and settle on a
                                         surface, often forming layers over time.

                        Wind deposition                                    Water deposition

                        Weak winds can form                    Sea waves move sand to other places
              small sand dunes as that on the beach.                           where it deposits.

                                                                  River can deposit a sandbar along its

                                                                   When river carries sediments meet
                       Strong winds can form
                                                                    a sea, they are deposited forming
                     large sand dunes as that in:                             delta as: Nile delta
                       Western desert in Egypt.
              Rub’ Al Khali in the Arabian Peninsula.

              Sand dunes (landform) are small hills  Delta (landform) is a land shaped like
             of sand in a desert or on top of a beach.               a triangle / fan is formed when a

                                                                      river enters a sea or an ocean.
                                                                         Delta is a mass of mud and

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