Page 6 - part 2ffinal_Version_Science_BB_Prim.4_(2nd_term)_2024-2025[1]_Neat
P. 6


               •  Breaking down of large rocks into small / tiny pieces “Sediments”.


               •  Breaking of statues
               •  Removing of paints of buildings

               •  Pulling a wave to the sand of seashores.

                       P.O.C                     Weather                          Weathering

                     Definition               The condition of               The breaking down of

                                              atmosphere at a              large rocks on into small /
                                          specific time and place.  tiny pieces “Sediments”.

                       Factors             Temperature, wind or             Temperature, wind, water
                     affecting it                     rains                         or plant roots
                      Its effect:          It helps us to take our         It can change the shape of
                                               daily decisions.             Earth’s surface over time.

                                            Types of Weathering

               We can’t see
            weathering during
            its occurrence but
              you can see its
             effect in the little
              rocks & sand.

                 Breaking down of rocks due to                  Change of the structure of rocks due to
               physical factors as wind, water,                            chemical reactions.
                  plant roots and temperature.                  Oxygen, water, acid rain, acid by livings.
                Second Term                                                           32
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