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President’s Message

        This Season, Give Something Extraordinary!
        Thank YOU for Keeping the

        As a member, you know how important The
        Museum Extraordinary!                                     Neighborhood Initiatives: The Children’s
        Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is to your family.
        From immersive science exhibits like Dinosphere®,         Museum Fund supports several programs for
        to sports, health, and fitness fun in the new Riley       our neighbors, including the Neighborhood
        Children’s Health Sports Legends Experience®, to          Club, which provides free memberships to
        traditional favorites like Jolly Days—the museum is       families living in six neighborhoods immediately
                                                                                 •  Planning for the Future
                                            Diego—Let’s Explore!, to our special
        As 2020 draws to a close, the board,
        THE place for extraordinary family learning.              surrounding the museum. The museum also
                                            presentation of SUE the Giant T. rex,
        volunteers, and staff of the museum
                                                                                  New exhibits, including Mission
                                                                  offers the Old National Bank Mid-North Promise
        want to thank YOU—our members       to the addition of girls’ education   Jurassic and the addition of Malala’s
        So this season, why not share the fun and family          Program, which provides guidance, scholarships,
        and donors—for your steadfast
                                                                                  Story to The Power of Children , are
                                            advocate and Nobel Peace Prize
        learning with your community, friends, and family?
                                                                  and cradle-to-career educational opportunities
        support of the world’s biggest and   winner Malala Yousafzai’s story to   what make the museum a place that
        best children’s museum, particularly   The Power of Children®, there will be   inspires and helps dreams to grow.
                                                                  for neighborhood children and their parents.
        Here are two easy ways to do just that!
        during these unprecedented times.   more even to explore!  In 2017, more than 870 families benefited
                                                                                 •  Programs That Serve Everyone
        1. Give to The Children’s Museum Fund                     from Neighborhood Club memberships and 50
        The financial impacts of the pandemic,  Members are vital to the success of   The museum offers several
        A gift to The Children’s Museum Fund will help
                                                                  neighborhood families were engaged with the
        including a months-long closure in   The Children’s Museum, providing     community programs that provide
        make the museum accessible to all families,
                                                                  Mid-North Promise Program!
        the spring/summer and an ongoing    a bedrock of support for, and         support, resources, and free and
        regardless of income. Ands it’s easy to do! Just visit
        reduction in visitor capacity (for   participation in, all the museum offers.   reduced admission to underserved, make a gift in any         2. Give a gift membership. If you want to make the
        safety), means the museum is        We thank you for being a member,      families from the surrounding
        amount, and become part of the community of            holidays extra-special for family or friends, consider
        projected to lose up to $14 million   and when the time comes we hope     neighborhoods and across Indiana.
        donors whose gifts, both large and small, ensure that  a gift membership to The Children’s Museum.
        this year. Your support as a museum   you will renew your membership. And
        everyone can enjoy our transformative experiences      Recipients will enjoy unlimited access to family
        member and/or donor is more         during this season of giving, consider   •  Museum at Home
        through programs such as:                              learning and fun!
        important than ever, helping to ensure  making a friend or family member’s   Museum at Home is an online place
        that this world-class museum can    holiday extra-special by giving a gift   where families can go to discover,
            Free Admission Days: The museum offers free
                                                               And there’s so much to look forward to in 2019!
        continue to offer extraordinary family   membership, so they, too, can enjoy   be entertained, and inspired. It’s
                                                               With new exhibits like Paw Patrol: Adventure Play,
            admission four times each year, including on
        learning to all—and we are grateful!   family learning and fun!           part of the museum’s growing suite
            Christmas Eve Day, when the museum is open         Take Me There®: Greece, and Treasures of Ancient
                                                                                  of virtual offerings for children,
                                                               Greece, and a new season of indoor/outdoor fun
            from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for all families to enjoy!
        Your Museum Membership Is           Thank You for Supporting              families, and schools, which also
            The museum is also free on Martin Luther King
                                                               in the Riley Children’s Health Sports Legends
        Vital—and Appreciated               the Rex Response Fund                 includes Virtual Visits with Santa
                                                               Experience beginning March 16, a gift membership
            Jr. Day, Presidents Day, and for Fiesta Familia, a
        Members of The Children’s Museum    In addition to supporting the museum   and virtual family, homeschool, and
            one-day celebration of Latino cultures held in
                                                               will give your friends and loved ones a full year of
        are among our greatest advocates,   through your membership, many of      school programs.
                                                               transformative experiences.
            September. In 2017, there were nearly 48,000
        because members value the breadth   you have taken the additional step of
            visits on free days!
        and depth of our extraordinary family   becoming donors to the Rex Response   We know that these are difficult times
                                                               As 2018 comes to a close, we thank you for your
        learning experiences! From immersive   Fund. Gifts in any amount will    for everyone, and now—more than
            The Access Pass Program: This program allows
                                                               support of The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
        exhibits like National Geographic   make a difference in addressing the   ever—we are so grateful to count
            qualifying families to attend the museum at
                                                               and look forward to sharing an extraordinary new
        Treasures of the Earth, to sports and   museum’s most pressing operational   you as part of The Children’s Museum
                                                                                 family. YOU are helping to keep
            greatly reduced price. Families can visit the
        fitness fun in the Riley Children’s   needs, including:  year with you in 2019!
            museum or the Riley Sports Legends Experience
        Health Sports Legends Experience®,                                       us extraordinary!
            for $2 per family member per visit, or they can
        to traditional family favorites     •  The Museum Experience
                                                               Jeffrey H. Patchen
        like Jolly Days—members enjoy         The heart of The Children’s Museum
            attend both for $3 per person. In 2017, more
                                                               President and CEO
        unlimited access!                     is its people, who elevate the visitor
            than 6,600 households across Indiana were
                                              experience and make the museum
            helped through the Access Pass program, for a
        And 2021 promises to be               truly one-of-a-kind.
            total of over 42,600 visits.
        extraordinary! From the bilingual                                        Jeffrey H. Patchen
        experience (English/Spanish) Dora and                                    President & CEO   |   317-334-4000               2
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