Page 114 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 114

w elco m e  h o m e | design


        A  li t t le  li g h t h e A rt ed  m u s i n g  o n  d es i g n

                       Krissy Millner of Terra Firma Home                         Lee Industries
          S    ummer has finally arrived! For all of us here in Southern Oregon, we can rejoice that the long, wet, winter is over. I, for one, have been

               out in the garden, getting the patio ready for warm, alfresco dinners and generally feeling happy that we live in such a beautiful place.

               It’s the time of year when we put interior projects aside, get outdoors, take some time off, and do a little light reading. Quotes are won-
           derful because they can convey precise truths, provide a wide range of emotions, and inspire our deepest thoughts—usually all in the space
           of a dozen words or less.  So, rather than any how-tos or complicated details on design, here are some of my favorite (and funny) quotes on
           the world of interiors and home. Enjoy!

                                                 “Tradition always has to be updated and
            “One should never be the oldest thing in   pushed forward. After all, you wouldn’t   “Behind every attractive room there
            one’s house.”                        send a debutante to her 80th birthday   should be a good reason.”
                                   -Patsy Stone  party wearing her original dress!”                          -Sister Parish
                                                                       -Thomas Jayne

                                                                                      “There is one fundamental fact about
            “Have no fear of perfection. You’ll never   “Decorate your home. It gives the illusion   lighting: Where there is no light, there is
            reach it.”                           that your life is more interesting than it   no beauty.”
                                 -Salvador Dali  really is.”                                                 -Billy Baldwin
                                                                      -Charles Schulz

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