Page 116 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 116

welcome home | design

             I must say, I absolutely love and relate to all of the above quotes  home. I especially love getting that first tour of a home and learning
             and it’s hard to pick a favorite, but if I were to pick one, perhaps  about a client’s favorite memories, whether it is art, furnishings, or
             it is this:                                           photos. You get a glimpse into someone else’s story, their history, and
                                                                   then begin to pull it together in design. For this I am truly apprecia-
      “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into  tive. And, I am really, truly grateful for summer in Oregon!
      enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,
      confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a   I have included some fresh ideas visually on summer exteriors, so as
      home, a stranger into a friend.”                             you relax into this summer season, I say take a break, create some
                                                                   magic in the outdoors, share food with friends and family, and know
                                                 – Melody Beattie  that your home will be waiting once more for new touches as we
                                                                   head back inside in the fall season. A house is created over time and
      I truly am grateful that I live in Southern Oregon. As a designer, it is always  through life experiences, so it’s time to head outside and create
      an honor to help people with the most intimate and sacred space: their  them!

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