Page 57 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 57

“Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find
          the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to
          use a library, the doors to learning are always open.”

                                                                      –Laura Bush

                he  first public library in the  United   dominant form of casual reading, libraries can
                States  opened  in New Hampshire  in   seem outdated; however, their presence sends
          T1833—a  repository that provided      a clear message that knowledge is crucial to
          access to printed material. Since then, public   the  development and sustainability of  com-
          libraries have provided free access to infor-  munities. “In my experience, people are actu-
          mation (books and periodicals for people to   ally reluctant to move completely away from
          read and borrow), library sponsored reading   print, and even if they do like digital, the pub-
          programs have  improved  literacy develop-  lic library has those options,” asserts Jennifer
          ment in school-age children, and libraries   Thompson, a local public school librarian.
          have enriched depressed and declining com-
          munities. They are  cultural touchstones  for   After 64 years, the main branch in Roseburg
          individual towns and cities, showcasing local   has closed its doors after voters rejected  a
          art, living history, and special collections.    property tax increase to fund the  library
                                                 after declining timber revenue and  reserve
          According to the International Federation of   funds created a budget shortfall—$20  mil-
          Library Associations  and  Institutions (IFLA.  lion  dollars used to be allocated for such
          org), “An important role of the public library   programs. Since 1916, the 18 counties where
          is providing a focus for cultural and artistic   the Oregon and California Railroad Revested
          development in the community and helping   Lands (O&C) are located have received pay-
          to shape and support the cultural identity of   ments from the United States government as
          the community…The public library has an   compensation for the loss of timber and tax
          important role as a public space and meeting   revenue. Local government in several coun-
          place.”                                ties (including Douglas County) have come to
                                                 depend on the O&C land revenue as a source
          In an age when so much reading occurs online   of income for schools and county services, law
          and eReaders are quickly becoming  the   enforcement, and health and human services.

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