Page 58 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 58

neck of the woods | community

        Ten rural  libraries in Douglas   reading programs  for kids and
        County––including branches in   teens  help bridge  the  economic
        Canyonville, Drain,  Glendale,   divide that impacts students’ aca-
        Myrtle    Creek,   Oakland,  demic performance.”
        Reedsport, Riddle, Sutherlin,
        Winston,  and Yoncalla––closed   Long time library volunteer,
        April 1. Three branches have reo-  Jackie  Sutton, grieves  for the
        pened as volunteer-run libraries   community’s  children: “Some
        and Riddle will reopen June 6.  children  maybe  don’t have  an
                                     opportunity, maybe  they don’t
        “It is a loss not just for the library   have a  play school  or  any other
        users, but for the entire citizenry   way to meet with other children,
        of Douglas County,” says Library   and to be  introduced  to books.
        Director Harold A. Hayes. “It’s a   We’ll get through it somehow,
        resource that was there for eve-  but sometimes you don’t really
        ryone and a resource to the com-  appreciate something until you’ve
        munity for everyone and that is   lost it, so we’ll come back.”
        going away.”
                                     In the words  of Ray Bradbury:
        The role of a library goes beyond   “I discovered me in the library. I
        basic knowledge.  A  library is a   went to find me in the library.”
        community center, the “people’s
        university.” It’s a place for young   Save Our Libraries Committee
        readers to develop their inter-
        est in reading. Public Libraries
        Online, a publication of the Public
        Library Association,  advocates,
        “Free  tutoring…and summer

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