Page 65 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
P. 65
age your stress: I have said for years now that all of us NEW!! Total Lifestyle Transformation!
should be on some sort of stress support system. I personally
use a supplement combo called AM and PM Stress which opti- Improve your physical
mizes the rhythm of the stress hormone Cortisol. This rhythm energy, mental clarity and
helps boost energy, concentration and stamina during the day outlook with one-on-one
and closes down the cortisol at night so you can turn off your support and encouragement
brain and get to sleep—creating optimal nighttime recovery. from top health professionals,
including your PCP.
Natural remedies:
Zinc—clinically proven to shorten the duration of a cold • Intake with Donna Givens, MD
Cinnamon—promotes healthy breathing • Comprehensive lab panel to
Buckwheat honey—antioxidant-rich
Apple cider vinegar—promotes healthy mucous flow establish benchmarks
Cayenne pepper—aids in circulation • Fitness/weight loss goals
Lemon balm—a natural antioxidant
Cloves and marjoram—has antimicrobial properties customized for your unique body
Germ control: A researcher took swabs of various surfaces on planes • Meet weekly with Health Coach
• Personalized program
and found the surfaces contaminated with germs that cause severe • Personal training and small
GI symptoms including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Be very
careful when you travel—public areas are laden with germs! }ÀœÕ«w̘iÃÃV>ÃÃiÃ
Hands are key: Every time you shake someone’s hands, wash yours.
Wash your hands as often as possible—80 percent of infections CALL TODAY! 541-476-3000
are transmitted via contact like sneezing, coughing or touching
surfaces that have been sneezed or coughed on. Keep your hands 702 SW Ramsey Ave., #120
off your face, nose, mouth and eyes. Grants Pass, Oregon
Electronics: Wipe down your computer, phone and other heavily
used surfaces at least one to two times daily with sanitizing wipes, MEMBER OF MID ROGUE IPA
especially in the work place. Do not use other people’s phones
or routinely touch surfaces that others are using if possible (key-
boards, pens, desk tops, etc.).

Don’t double dip: Heavy germs lie in dip that has been used by
double dippers.
One time use: Dispose of all tissues after use—once is enough!
Take some alone time and stay home away from others when you are
sick. Best of luck and health this winter!

JUST ASK NISH Nisha Jackson, PhD, MS, WHCNP, HHP, is a Southern
Oregon gynecological practitioner with a master’s
degree in nursing and a doctorate in healthcare
management. She is a licensed holistic health care
practitioner, an author, a certified hormone expert
and host of a weekly live radio wellness program.

Nisha Jackson PhD, MS, WHNCP, HHP

Women’s Health and Hormone Specialist
Ventana Wellness,
Balance Docs, Inc.

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