Page 61 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
P. 61
River City offers Racing
For All Reasons, In All Seasons

When Andrew White and his “People joke around that it’s a BMX family, To White, the track has been a valuable teach-
three kids were out riding and it truly is. Everybody jumps in to help ing tool when it comes to raising his kids.
their bikes in Grants Pass one everybody else out,” says Stout. “My kids were really shy,” he says. “It’s taught
day, they cruised by the River The Rhodes family has been driving to Grants them to socialize, it’s helped them out at
City BMX track, a little known secret that for Pass from Crescent City to race at the track school, with their grades. The track has
some holds the key to a healthy, confident life. at least three times a week for the last three impacted our lives in many ways…more than
“The track director invited us in and we’ve years. Jay Rhodes raced as a kid and when his I can explain.”
been there ever since,” says White. “We just son found a box of his old trophies, the pas- The benefits of racing are numerous and can
got addicted to it.” sion ignited in him once again, and sparked have a positive effect in many areas. Other
The local indoor and outdoor tracks have in his son. than the obvious physical benefits it can help
seen families bond, kids grow and friendships “He was hooked after just watching a couple with social and cognitive skills. It can help
form. “The main thing we offer is a place for races,” says Rhodes. “So now my son races, build confidence and allow riders to challenge
people that want to be involved with racing,” and I started racing again and now my wife themselves, learning and pushing their own
explains Mike Stout, track operator. races too.” limits.

“It doesn’t matter your age, it doesn’t matter For Andrew White, going to the track with his “When you’re out there on the track you have
your skill level, your gender, your color. It’s a three kids is about more than just riding. The to pay attention to what’s going on, you have
place for everybody,” he says. “It’s one of the four of them ride and volunteer there regu- to be athletic, you have to work your way
very few sports where you’ll see parents out larly, helping out at work parties, cleaning up around different paths…it’s more than just
racing with their kids at the same time. Every and maintaining both the outdoor and indoor riding a bike…it’s communicating with peo-
age can be involved with it.” tracks. “I’m a single parent, we don’t have a lot ple and learning to help out the community at
And who doesn’t love something the whole but we try and give what we can back to the the same time,” explains White.
family can enjoy together? track to keep everything going,” he says.

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