Page 57 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
P. 57
ched at 5400 feet on a ridge, in a of guests later, Steve and Karen live at the than the horses, we don’t offer planned activi-
hidden valley of Fishhole Mountain resort all year. The lodge closes for the winter ties or entertainment. We see ourselves as
in south central Oregon, sits Aspen months and the cattle go to balmy California providing a backdrop, a beautiful spot, com-
Ridge Resort, on Fishhole Creek until opening of the next season, on Mother’s fortable accommodations and fine food.”
Ranch. Here, sandhill cranes cry, starlings Day. Steve is also the chef, and he knows how to
swirl and cattle roam freely. The elegantly The lodge has big views that overlook ripar- lay a table. She continues, “But most of our
western log lodge and outlying cabins are ian land, streams and meadows. Big Meadow, guests are people who know how to enjoy the
completely off the grid, yet with full ameni- Upper Meadow and Creed Meadow are this out-of-doors. A lot of people are wanting to
ties. Comfort speaks here, through timeless backyard—4000 acres of native meadows introduce their children to outdoor activities
ranch-style, with a modern air. It’s broken with no fertilizers and no pesticides. The and get them away from videos, etc. Most
in, but not rustic. The resort, a de-stressing Simmons are environmentally conscious and families visiting look to encounter a way of
outpost for fraught urbanites, sits in the mid- have maintained a conscientious stewardship life in a place and time the parents dimly
dle of a working cattle ranch surrounded by of the land. As Karen says, “It is what it is.” remember, and now want their children to
10,000 acres of forest service land. experience.”

When Karen and Steve Simmons, both origi- However, this is not a traditional dude ranch, This goes for adults as well. Most of us will
nally from southern California, first saw this where horses are only available on guided have lost cell service by the time we turn off
place, they knew it was what they had been tours. Larisa, Fishhole Creek Ranch’s win- onto the Forest Service road and head toward
looking for. Karen remembers she said, “This some cowgirl, will take you out and about the resort. There is Internet access in the main
is heaven on earth.” while she works the ranch, and cows. She and lodge only. As Larisa says, smiling, “It takes a
They raised two daughters in a small cabin Steve do all the daily ranch activities and only couple of days for the city to fall off. They’re
with no electricity. After their second child, hire in cowboys for big events like brandings, looking at their phone....looking at their
Steve piped in running water. In the fall, so there is plenty to do, all while settled in a phone...looking at their phone. Keep looking
after the cattle were shipped out, they spent saddle enjoying the wide-open valley. at it but it’s not going to change the fact there
winters in Bend. When they decided to start Aspen Ridge offers many things to do: swim- is no service. If people can come and stay for
the resort, people thought they were crazy. ming, fishing, tennis, hiking, long walks or a few days, they slow down and enjoy the fact
Who would come out to this remote ranch? simply happily sitting on the expansive decks they’re out here for this, and there’s nothing
The cabins were built in 1989 and the lodge of the lodge or your cabin and gazing out into around.” Nothing but cows, that is, and a
opened in 1992. Now, 23 years and hundreds the natural world. Karen emphasizes, “Other whole lot of beauty.

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