Page 52 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
P. 52
photo credit: Carl Wilmington

The lodge reopened July 7, 1995, with music, business. Mike Keller, the general manager for
classic cars and renowned speakers, including lodge concessionaire Xanterra, says it will be a
Oregon Senator Mark Hatfield. time for celebrating. “We’re very excited about
The cost for restoring the lodge was $18 mil- the anniversary,” he says.
lion, but, as one supporter stated, “I don’t Details are still being worked out, but he
think people object to seeing positive things says a three-day celebration with speakers
come out of their tax dollars. The lodge is and events involving lodge visitors past and
part of our heritage and part of our collective present is targeted June 19 to 21, the kickoff
responsibility.” time for the summer season. Other programs,
That near-closure is history. For the past in cooperation with park managers, are sched-
20 years, the classic lodge, which retains its uled in mid-August. “We’re really in the plan-
1920s architectural style, has embraced and ning stages,” he emphasizes.
enhanced old and new traditions. This sum- For Keller, one of his most anticipated activi-
mer, as in summers past, its 71 guest rooms ties will be a forum for people to share stories
are mostly reserved. Seats in the dining room of their visits to the lodge.
will again be at a premium. “There’s a generational connection with this
The anniversary isn’t an excuse to look for place, with the lodge,” he believes.

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