Page 55 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
P. 55
ly visitors didn’t always simply drive their Keller, noting the park lacked modern equip- ucrgaerent
vehicles up to Rim Village and the lodge. ment to plow and maintain roads.
When it opened June 28, 1915, Oregon He believes people have a wealth of memories Now You Have a Choice
Governor James Withycombe and a party of of the lodge and lake because he has his own
dignitaries drove within two miles of the lodge treasured recollections. Keller was a young • Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
“after bucking and shoveling some snow.” The boy when his family first visited Crater Lake. Saturday–Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
governor and his group walked the final miles Although he doesn’t believe they stayed in the • Immediate access to the latest in X-ray
to the lodge, sometimes over snow. lodge, his memory is imprinted with images. and lab services
“After [Withycombe took] a good look at the “I remember seeing this beautiful old hotel • Accepting all forms of payment,
lake, the new lodge on the rim was formally sitting on the edge of the caldera and going, including Oregon Health Plan
opened in honor of the governor and party ‘Wow!’ I remember getting up in the morning • Significantly lower out-of-pocket cost
and the first meal, a 6 o’clock dinner, was and walking along the rim.” than the ED for most patients
served,” a reporter for The Oregonian wrote. For people with cherished Crater Lake Lodge
“It was a sumptuous repast and included trout memories, this summer will be a time for Union Avenue Urgent
caught in Crater Lake.” remembering and revisiting. For those mak- Care
“The effort people took once upon a time to ing their first-ever visit, it will be a time for
get to the lodge was pretty challenging,” says creating new memories.

Know Before You Go Asante Entrance
Three Rivers
Medical Center Patient

There aren’t many openings, but people hoping to book a room at historic Crater Lake Patient Ramsey Avenue
Lodge should call toll-free 888-774-2728 or look online at Parking
The lodge has 71 rooms. Phones and televisions are not provided and not all rooms come
with a shower and tub. Lodge guests receive priority for dinner reservations in the lodge Grandview Avenue
dining room. People not staying at the lodge can often be seated for breakfast or lunch. Welcome to Better HealthRamseyAvenue
As an alternative, guests may order beverages, cold and hot appetizers, soups, salads and
desserts in the lodge’s Great Hall, adjacent to the dining room. 14UCG007_SOM
Reservations can be made at the lodge for snowshoe, ranger-guided lake boat and cable
car rim tours. Several hikes of varying difficulty are available, including the 3.5-mile Asante Center for Outpatient Health
round-trip Garfield Peak hike, which begins and ends near the lodge. 537 SW Union Avenue

Grants Pass · (541) 507-2170

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