Page 99 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
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selle Cellars and Buxton Ranch vineyards sit within,
and along, the ancient bed of the Rogue River. Across the
220-acre ranch, which nurtures a developing Wagyu beef
herd, are numerous natural creeks and streams with con-
sistent soil comprised of alluvial silt and river rock. Of this, one of the
lowest vineyards in the Rogue Valley, Sales and Marketing Manager
Nora Lancaster explains, “We have quite a bit of sloping from top of
vineyard to the bottom. In that sloping there is a wide temperature
differentiation, so we carefully plant varietals for the temperatures.”

Kriselle’s focus is on exceptional quality grapes that are unique to the
state, though not necessarily grown on the property. With 25 acres of
mostly Bordeaux varietals, Lancaster emphasizes, “Our brand enforces
that we are focused on terroir, focused on the flavors that come out of
this region. We are not site-specific. Kriselle has never planned on being
completely estate. It’s very important to (owner) Scott (Steingraber)
that he capture the expression of the Rogue Valley, so we reach out to
get beautiful grapes from around the valley.”

Although Steingraber had been making wines out of his garage for “We have a world of wine in our
about 20 years, it was after he acquired some southern Oregon grapes
that he was taken with the distinctiveness of the region. The land that [Southern Oregon] appellations.”
has become Kriselle’s vineyard fully supports the distinction he was
looking for in creating exceptional wines. Lancaster explains, it was ~ Nora Lancaster
known from the start that because of the soil composition and its
nature to be “well draining,” it “would not be an abundantly fruitful the wine-tasting public needs to appreciate and embrace that people
vineyard, but the fruit that it could produce, with proper cultivation, do things differently and that’s the beauty of the tasting rooms; they
would be exceptional in character and quality, which is just the pre- are all different and it is important to appreciate this diversity.” She
mium they were looking for. The fruit doesn’t get plump so the berries continues, “We are not the new Napa. One day [this area] may well be
are small and the juice is very concentrated. As a result, Kriselle’s wines renowned like Napa, however, this region will be very different.”
are really rich and very focused in their character.”
The beauty of the land is reflected in the elegance of the tasting room Kriselle Cellars
with its large stone fireplace and wide-angle views across the Upper
Rogue Valley. Southern Oregon expresses distinguishing characteristics 12956 Modoc Rd., White City
like no other, and they are palatable. Lancaster states, “In some ways 541-830-8466

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