Page 95 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2015
P. 95
Wine is a personal experience “Weisinger’s has history, not just for our The new, strikingly minimalist logo is a sil-
with few absolute truths. But family, but for people coming here,” houette of the hilltop tasting room and reflects
says Eric Weisinger. I can attest to this, Weisinger’s philosophy and values: history,
one of them is that nobody as Weisinger’s was the first winery I vis- family, quality, local. The previous label image
can experience wine exactly ited soon after moving here in 1997. I would of the kestrel from the Texas roots has flown
like someone else. Like art, also venture to guess that Weisinger has wine to “the back of the bottle, in keeping the his-
wine becomes a part of you running through his veins since he has been tory but with a new look,” he explains. And
and can influence you. This is helping with the vines and wine since he was local is really local. “I want to make wines that
eleven. He still calls Ashland home, though reflect our little area within three to five miles.
what I love about wine.” he has followed wine across the planet. We are all about local fruit—we also man-
Weisinger has worked in wineries as far age 80 percent of the vineyards we get fruit
~ Eric Weisinger away as New Zealand, but when it came to from. If I can’t drive there in about 10 min-
rebranding the winery, it all fell to his home utes we probably won’t use the fruit.” They are
and the tasting room in Ashland. He smiles also bringing in more sustainable practices.
mischievously when confessing the muse was Currently, all heating in the winery and home
late nights looking at photos with a bottle of is geothermal, with future nods of becoming a
scotch. Feeling strongly about renewing the self-sustaining property.
winery name, he realized, “Once you have
history nobody can take it from you. When I Although locally oriented, Weisinger intends
realized this I felt humbled.” to participate in international competitions
There are Texas roots from his family and within the coming year. He brings it back
also roots in Klamath Falls where his father, local when he says, “I want to help our com-
John Weisinger, was a Presbyterian minister. munity realize what an asset having a wine
John founded the vineyard in 1979. The well- culture is. We aren’t stopping world hunger,
known tasting room, perched on a hill with but we are creating pleasure and supporting
a big view, was built in 1988. The Weisinger local growers and community.”
Gewürztraminer vineyard is the oldest in
Ashland. So, when Eric Weisinger took the Weisinger Family Winery
reins as general manager in 2013 and decided
to renew and rebrand the name, he tended to 3150 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland
his family roots. 541-488-5989

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