Page 11 - HCC Vol 25 Issue 5 - 6th June 2024
P. 11

SERVING the Yorke Peninsula for over 20 years
Breadtags for Wheelchairs
The Secondary Week 3 Assembly was focused on the charity
organisation ‘Breadtags for Wheelchairs’. Students watched an
informative video, created by Year 10 Prefect Kester Jacobs,
regarding his desire that we raise money for this worthy cause.
After playing a human version of ‘Hungry Hippos’ and
considering mobility aids required by some, the students
reflected on how lucky we are in Australia to be able to
purchase wheelchairs and crutches with relative ease.
We ask the College community to please bring any plastic tags
to the collection points (located in the front office and home
classes). These can be from your bread and other bakery
goods, but also items such as carrots and potatoes!
On Tuesday of Week 5, our Year 3 students welcomed their Pen Pals from Horizon
Christian School. Throughout the beautiful sunny day, the children enjoyed meeting
each other whilst participating in a scavenger hunt, playing chasey, and partaking in the
challenges of constructing an origami frog. They also made a photo frame to take home
with them, and decorated a yummy biscuit. An enjoyable time was had by all, and the
students look forward to their next catch up in Week 9.
Year 3
Horizon Pen Pal Visit

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