Page 10 - HCCVol25 Issue 6 - 28th June 2024
P. 10

On Friday of Week 6 we held our Primary Community Breakfast. These events are just one
of many ways in which we build community and promote fellowship within our College.
Thank you to all who attended, but particularly to the volunteers who organised, cooked,
and served our staff, students and families. Without you, these events would not be possible.
We would like to welcome some new staff
members to the Harvest Christian College
Mr Wouter Scott has taken on the role of IT
and Digital Technologies Teacher (pictured
top left), Mr Troydn Bristow will be the new
Secondary Physcal Education and Outdoor
Education Co-ordinator (pictured top
right), and Miss Tiana Rudd is looking after
our Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC)
facility (bottom).
Primary Community Breakfast
New Staff

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