Page 7 - HCCVol25 Issue 6 - 28th June 2024
P. 7

SERVING the Yorke Peninsula for over 20 years
Bread Tags for Wheelchairs
We are still collecting bread tags, and we want yours!
We ask the College community to please bring any plastic tags to the collection points (located in the front office and homegroup classes). These can be from your bread and other bakery goods, but also items such as carrots and potatoes!
Uni of Adelaide - EMRSO Program
On Wednesday of Week 7, some of our Year 9 and 10 students visited The University of
Adelaide’s North Terrace Campus for their EMRSO (Energy, Mining & Resources School
Outreach) Program. The students engaged in hands-on workshops to explore a diverse
range of STEM career opportunities. These included charging hydrogen-powered vehicles
and designing a way for a programmable robot to escape a ‘crater’.
They also toured several key research facilities on campus, one of which was a laboratory
used to test rovers for use on the moon! Our students enjoyed the experience, and we
commend them for exploring STEM careers.

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