Page 12 - 2022 Community Impact Report
P. 12

               COMMUNITY SUPPORT
                                                                                                                     “ Tracey is the very first to
                                                                                                                      volunteer for anything related to
                                                                                                                      mentoring or career shadowing.
                                                                                                                      She loves to share her passion
                                                                                                                      for architecture and promote
              Super Volunteers                                                                                        design opportunities for anyone
                                                                                                                      willing to learn more about our

                                                                                                                      DENISE RAMSEY, VICE PRESIDENT
                                                                                                                      AE BUSINESS PROCESSES
                                                                                                                      DESIGN MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY
                  Tracey Friley

                                                                                                                  students and parents to design and execute
                  Tracey Friley enthusiastically inspires others to                                               a “sustainable” site improvement project.
                  “jump in” and get involved with the community                                                   These projects involve hands-on activity,
                  – especially in activities tied to mentoring,                                                   including beautifying landscapes, painting walls
                  educating and helping children identify their                                                   and halls, installing raised garden beds and
                  creative passion. Tracey has been associated                                                    composting stations. Tracey enthusiastically
                  with the Jacksonville, Florida, ACE (Architecture,                                              leads the team while helping to educate the
                  Construction and Engineering) Mentor Program                                                    students and teachers along the way.
                  since 2008, serving as Lead Mentor with STEM-
                  focused high school and middle school programs                                                  Tracey was recently honored with the President’s
                  and, currently, as a member of the board of    Critic and Juror, Studio IV. Giving back to younger   Award by the Jacksonville chapter of the American
                  directors. She also regularly serves as a mentor   students, she spent several years participating with   Institute of Architects (AIA). This prestigious
                  and leader with Haskell’s High School Internship   “Architect Barbie” workshops to foster children’s   award is bestowed on an architect who has made
                  Program and has been the event organizer for   understanding of spatial relationships by asking   outstanding contributions to the profession and
                  several job-shadowing programs over the years.  them to design Architect Barbie’s Dream House.  the community. She served on the Jacksonville
                                                                                                                  Jaguars Foundation, which raises funds to
                  With her background in architecture and interior   Beyond the multiple mentoring efforts, including   support programs that benefit economically
                  design, Tracey often shares her perspectives and   Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Tracey can be found   and socially disadvantaged youth, families and
                  insights with academia, diversity organizations and   sharing “sweat equity” with her annual participation   other NFL charitable initiatives.  Based on her
                  students. She has served on the Advisory Board   with the “Green Apple Day of Service” (GADoS)   involvement in community initiatives, she was
                  for University of Southern Mississippi’s School of   project. Every September, Haskell works with a   selected for and completed the prestigious
                  Construction and Design and was its Design Guest   selected school and its administration, teachers,   Leadership Jacksonville Program in 2019.

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