Page 13 - 2022 Community Impact Report
P. 13

                                                                                                                                       COMMUNITY SUPPORT T
                   Guillermo Carrillo
                   Since December 2003, Guillermo Carrillo has led   Guillermo and his family
                   efforts to improve the lives of orphans in Mexico   have been hands-on with                      “Guillermo is making a difference
                   City who are living with HIV. It has been a passion   their support, and                          in the lives of those who know
                   project for him and his family, and several Haskell   with a recent move of the                   him, motivating us to be part of
                   team members in the Latin America (LATAM)      children’s home location,
                   region have embraced it, too. Ser Hermano, A.C.,   have gone to visit the site                    a greater good. Every year, he and
                   is the organization that houses and supports these   and participated in                          his family organize fundraisers
                   children, and the demands are extensive given the   activities like painting                      to purchase goods for orphaned
                   number of orphans they serve. In addition to   with the children and                              children with HIV. Guillermo is
                   housing, the fundraising goes to support the   delivering toys and gifts. LATAM team members      a role model because he inspires
                   purchase of clothing and basic supplies needed by   have given generously to support the organization   us to stay involved with the
                   the children, including clothing, medical supplies,   that provides love and shelter to the children who
                   toiletries, food and toys.                     otherwise would have nothing.                      communities where we can make
                                                                                                                     lives better in the most selfless
                                                                                                                     and generous way.”
                   Nathan Peters                                                                                     MARYCARMEN LOPEZ, HR MANAGER, INTERNATIONAL

                                                                  facet of his career, family life, church and volunteer
                                                                  efforts reflects this commitment.

                                                                  Nathan finds ways to serve through The Church of   “ Nathan is always ready to help
                                                                  Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (JCLDS) as well as   those around him – both at work
                                                                  directly with aid organizations. Whether organizing   and in the community.  Outside of
                                                                  relief efforts after devastating earthquakes in
                                                                  Urdaneta and Tan regions of the Philippines,       work, Nathan has been active in
                                                                  championing food and blood drives (Red Cross) or   serving others at his local church
                                                                  supplying holiday meals to the hungry, Nathan loves   congregation in Urdaneta,
                                                                  giving back.                                       Philippines. He has been leading
                    Very focused on infusing service in all aspects of his   In the local community of Urdaneta Philippines,   the church’s youth group and
                    life, Nathan Peters embraces the opportunity to act   Nathan’s construction management background is   actively engages in community
                    as a Project Manager on jobs that serve his faith in   helping locals to build sustainable living quarters and   outreach with service activities.”
                    communities throughout the world. He is regarded   other facilities to improve the quality of life. With the
                                                                                                                     RANDY PATTERSON, SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER
                    by supervisors, peers and community members as   JCLDS Church also benefiting from his leadership on   CONSTRUCTION & MANUFACTURING
                    the embodiment of a “servant leader,” and every   projects, it is a winning proposition for all involved.

                                                                                                                           2022 Community Impact Report  |  Haskell   11
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