Page 93 - [NEW] Complete Healing Genius Flipbook V1
P. 93

Elements Have a

             Resonant Frequency -

             Principle in Physics

             The idea of resonance in science is                This phenomenon is not only restricted
             fundamental spiritually.  Notable                  to glass. All matter is susceptible to
             scientists such as Rayleigh and                    resonance effects.
             Helmholtz, Anton Overbeck, Heinrich
             Hertz have explained resonance in                  The soul is directly related to
             Physics.  To describe, the resonance               spirituality; it is immaterial,
             frequency is the natural incidence                 conscience, and a form of energy or
             where a body vibrates at the highest               space that invigorates the physical
             amplitude.                                         body of human beings. The concept of
                                                                spirituality provides us with an insight
             A typical example is the shattering of             into the human soul. Just like our body
             glass upon exposure to high decibels               needs nutrition to be strengthened,
             of sound energy. The amplitude of the              our soul needs inner spiritual peace.
             sound waves increases, which sets up
             vibrations in the air between the sound            A strengthened soul is resistant
             source and target body, such as glass.             towards evil spirits, less distracted by
                                                                worldly materialistic desires, and is
             The resonant frequency of the sound                comfortable and has enhanced self-
             waves matches the natural frequency                acceptance for itself and others.
             of the glass, setting up a higher                  Similarly, a strong soul has inner peace
             amplitude in glass that it cannot                  regardless of the negativity and
             tolerate, and hence it shatters.                   believes in the body's ability to heal.
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