P. 98

Similarly, when we interact                       Love is an intense vibrational

             with, same individuals healthily                  energy that makes us feel
             and positively, our vibrations                    rewarded asneurochemistry

             resonate, and the more                            reveals an uplift in dopamine
             harmonious the connection                         and brain stimulation.

             becomes. This can be
             exemplified by the highest and                    It relieves anxiety and undue

             purest form of vibration that is                  worries and makes us function
             love. When people fall in love,                   well mentally and physically.

             their energies vibrate and                        Sufferers with their loved ones

             nurture each other                                can be relieved from the
             harmoniously and                                  psychological torment a

             synchronously.                                    disease brings.

             These vibrations of love are                      Love can increase the
             mood lifters and improve our                      vibrational energies of people

             sense of well-being. It makes                     and can enlighten the mind
             us feel connected with our                        towards socialization and

             partners and makes us                             sustainable harmonious
             inclusive in society.                             coexisting.
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