P. 99
What Has Low Vibrations?
As the concepts of spirituality compromised or is working in
explained earlier, low a stressed state, which is not
vibrations result from poor, good in diseased conditions.
harmful, or unhealthy That is why the care providers
interactions, draining a need to be in a harmonious
person's energy and physical uplifting relationship with
health. Low vibrations can their patients to increase the
induce anxiety and stress, hope of life for sufferers.
making us feel unloved,
depressed, or worried. Negative self-talk, disturbing
news and binging TV, disease,
Lower vibrational energy in and hostile or manipulative
the body indicates that the people have lower vibrational
immune system is energies.
How Low Vibrations, Bad Energy
Affect Us?
Lower vibrations are very These lower vibrations can
harmful to the human body. interfere with our body's
energy and can create an
A diseased person already has antagonistic effect.
been in a bodily stress state
by the disease itself. If that
person has an environment or
people resonating with bad
energy and low vibrations, it
can adversely impact health.
These low vibrations can
exhaust us mentally and