Page 74 - designs_Neat
P. 74
Inspiration: Growth Tips:
Hearing a lot about Go-Green initiatives, the strive Though learning is a continuous process in any
towards sustaining pollution-free environment for field/area, would like to share some of my personal
future generations and finally my passion to live experiences that worked out well for me.
with and surrounded by lush greenery have influ-
enced and made me a happy gardener today.
Growing leafy veggies from seeds was much easier
Though initially gardening was just started as a than fruit bearing plants. So, beginners might start
hobby to fill my backyard and frontyard with big with this, to boost confidence.
fruit trees and colorful flowering plants as a décor Planting flowering plants in between vegetable
to my home. Gradually this turned out to be an plants helped in producing more yields
addiction to grow more and more veggies in my
pots. I started embracing this as a passion when I Made and used organic manure from the green
realized that my family is uniquely enjoying the waste of home, like vegetable/fruit peels and dry
taste of these home-grown veggies as against leaves.
from market bought veggies. Growing new plants from thick stems by stem-cut
ting of old plants. We might have learnt this during
The intense joy by sharing learnings between schooling but experienced that, this worked won
some of my like-minded friends made me even derfully well for most of the plants.
more delightful to continue, forgetting all the pain Used the washed waste water of rice and vegeta
of kneeling in mud, pulling out the weeds, tedious bles from kitchen for watering the newly planted
watering cycle etc., plants. It acted as a rooting hormone for the new
Finally, today I can confidently say that we could
protect ourselves and escape from being infected Used neem powder from recycled neem leaves of
during the hard times of Covid only with this my neem tree as a pesticide and avoided using
oxygen-rich greenery around us. pesticides from the stores
Timely pruning of big trees provided more sunlight
to ground level/small plants.
Periodically removing weeds especially from in-
between the smaller herbs and shrubs helped
them grow healthier without competition from their
On-time sufficient watering of plants is a key to the
success (should be neither too low nor too high)
Nageswari Tadepalli