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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com13life challenges. Creating a positivemental outlook means focusing on thesefour parts.1. How We See Our AbilitiesAccording to the Mayo Clinic, self-esteemis how we see ourselves, our abilities, andour value. Having a strong sense of selfesteem contributes to a positive mentaloutlook. People who believe they can dosomething usually accomplish it., whilepeople who don%u2019t think they%u2019re capable ofsomething often don%u2019t even try.When a person faces a life challenge, howthey believe they will react helps themdeal with it. If they feel secure, prepared,capable, and ready, they are more likelyto succeed. People with a good sense ofself-esteem are bold when they knowthey have the skills and are willing tolearn when they don%u2019t. Most lifechallenges require positive self-esteem toovercome. Healthy self-esteem givespeople the patience to work through achallenge because they know they canaccomplish it, even if it takes time andeffort..However, a false sense of self-esteem canmake life challenges harder. Self-esteemneeds to be based on reality. No one canbe the best at everything, and mostpeople aren%u2019t experts the first time theytry something. Foolishly thinkingotherwise leads to disappointment andcan make life challenges seem impossible.2. How We Cope with StressScientists and researchers who studystress found that people have fourdifferent strategies for coping:Adaptive ThinkingAdaptive BehaviorEmotionalOccupation FocusedA person who can use these strategieseffectively copes better with stress.People who change their thinking byseparating dreams and reality facechallenges realistically. Those willing tolearn and grow don%u2019t feel that stress willbeat them. Sometimes, an emotionalrelease is needed to let go of stress. Andpeople who focus on the task at hand
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