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                                    By Yadira G. Mu%u00f1ozwww.i-am-magazine.com15Selfish people rarely deal well with lifechallenges. On the outside, it may seemlike being selfish helps a person get more,but in reality, selfishness often leavespeople feeling alone and bitter. Peoplewho don%u2019t share their time, talents, orwealth with others don%u2019t look atchallenges as a positive way to contributeto life as a whole. Instead, one lifechallenge causes them to lose out inother vital areas.Imagine a person who is very, very richbecause they worked hard, but alsobecause they never took time for aspouse, family, or even a vacation. Theysimply traded their focus onaccomplishing one life challenge by losingout on many others. Giving back andsharing with people helps me deal with allof life%u2019s challenges, not just one issue.4. How We Contribute to Society The four parts of your mental outlookneed to be positive and ready for youto deal with life challenges. Knowinghow you look at life and how toimprove your outlook makes adifference.
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