Page 12 - June2017
P. 12

IIA of IL Lobbies Congress

          A team of IIA of IL members lobbied our Congressional   We urged Congress to protect the employer sponsored
          delegation in Washington D.C. last week. Participants from   health care system in any reforms being considered. We
          Illinois included all members of the IIA of IL Executive   asked them to support and co-sponsor the ‘Cadillac tax’
          Committee, five first-time attendees (four of which were   repeal bill (S. 58/H.R. 173). The ‘Cadillac tax’ assesses a
          young agents) and fourteen past conference attendees.   damaging 40% tax on health plans that exceed a fixed
                                                                  annual cost which is expected to be less than $11,000 per
          The IIA of IL group met with Representatives Peter Roskam,   year for an individual when the law goes into effect on
          Raja Krishnamoorthi, Brad Schneider, Bill Foster, Mike   2020.
          Bost, and Darin LaHood. They also met with the staff
          from Senators Richard Durbin and Tammy Duckworth        We lobbied against the idea that is being considered in
          and Representatives Rodney Davis, Randy Hultgren Robin   Congress to tax employees on the now tax exempt cost
          Kelly, Daniel Lipinski, Luis Gutiérrez, Cheri Bustos and   of their health benefits if the benefits exceed a certain
          Adam Kinzinger. The following issues were discussed with   threshold set by Congress. This proposal would have a
          our Congressional delegation.                           similar effect as the ‘Cadillac tax’ to discourage employers
                                                                  to offer health plans to their employees.
          Flood Insurance
          The IIA of IL lobbied for a 10-year reauthorization of a
          reformed National Flood Insurance Program before it     We urged our legislators to reform small business and
          expires on September 30th. Some of the reforms that are   individual rates along with corporate rates in tax reform
          being considered include increased use of mitigation    efforts. Since the majority of independent agencies
          practices, updated mapping technologies and the purchase   are small business pass-through entities (subchapter S
          of reinsurance to spread taxpayer risk. We also shared our   corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships) that file at
          support for a bill that would allow private flood policies   individual rates, by reforming only corporate rates would
          to satisfy the mandatory purchase requirement for flood   further create an uneven playing field for our members.
                                                                  Insurance Regulatory Reform
          We communicated our opposition to cuts to the NFIP
          Write-Your-Own program which is a public-private        We shared how the Big I remains dedicated to preserving
          partnership for distribution of flood insurance. The Big   the state-based system of insurance regulation. We asked
          “I” is working to ensure that any potential changes to the   our Congressional delegation to significantly restrict or
          program recognize the important role of independent     eliminate the Federal Insurance Office which was created
          agents in helping consumers make informed decisions     by the Dodd-Frank financial services reform law. FIO has
          about the purchase of NFIP policies for their homes and   proven to have questionable value for the insurance market
          businesses.                                             and consumers and could evolve into a regulatory force on
                                                                  the federal level.
          The NFIP has a debt of over $24 billion, largely due to
          Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita and Superstorm Sandy.   Crop Insurance
          For more than two decades, up until the 2005 hurricane
          season, no taxpayer money had been used to support      IIA of IL continued to lobby our Congressional delegation
          this program. There has been considerable discussion in   against any attempts to cut or cap premium incentives on
          Congress on the role of agents and their compensation   the Crop Insurance Program in the 2018 Farm bill. We also
          levels. We explained how time intensive and complicated   advocated for assurances that the private sector will remain
          the program is to sell and how critical we are in the   the primary distribution force of the NFIP.
          Health Insurance

          On the day that we met with our Congressional delegation,
          the U.S. House passed the American Health Care Act.
          Despite this, we were still able to meet with many of our

           1.  IIA of IL members and staff pictured outside the office of US. Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL)
           2. Bill Rademacher, U.S. Rep. Bill Foster (D-11th), Keith Rademacher
           3. Illinois attendees at the Constituent Coffee with Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider (D-10th)
           4. Patrick Muldowney, Brian McSherry, and Mike Wojcik , pictured with staff from U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s office (third
           from left)

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