Page 7 - April FINAL!
P. 7


                                     Rick Sutton - IIA of Illinois President - (309) 692-8544 -

          Six Month Review

          Where have the first six months of my term gone? It seems   As part of the Day of Giving, JC Restoration will be hosting
          like just yesterday we had the Convention in Peoria and   a Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack event. They will
          I was sworn in as President. Now at the midpoint of my   gather volunteers for two hour shifts over a 12 hour period
          presidential year I am happy to report that so many good   to pack nonperishable food for malnourished children.
          things are happening at your Association.               Another event already in the planning stages is the IIA of
                                                                  IL Charity Garage Sale benefitting St. Jude. We would like
          The Education Committee has been busy developing        as many local agents as possible to participate. This will
          programs to further the professionalism of our members.   be a full-fledged EVENT with many facets, so watch for
          Several new webinars have been added to the schedule    further details. There are unlimited ways to participate in
          this year. You will want to take advantage of these great   this special day. Please get involved - Plan an event in your
          programs. Also, INVEST had a booth at the School Board   area.
          Convention in November and it was a tremendous success
          with many school board members and superintendents      March 28 was the State Legislative Day. The Executive
          from though out the state visiting the booth. As you can   Committee started off the event by meeting with the new
          see, INVEST continues to grow in Illinois.              Director of Insurance, Jennifer Hammer. IIA of IL and four
                                                                  other associations hosted a reception at the Illinois State
          The Government Relations Committee has been busy with   Library where we were able to welcome and greet several
          the political faces on both the State and Federal front. I   members of both the House and Senate.
          was fortunate enough to attend both the DuPage and Lake
          County legislative events, and to meet a few of the new   The following day was the second quarterly board meeting
          members to the State legislature. Please reach out and   of the IIA of IL Board of Directors. I asked Regional
          meet your local legislators. They do want to hear from us.   Directors to reach out to five members in their regions
          In addition to meeting the new representatives from the   to get feed-back on Legislative Day and on what the
          House and Senate, the committee has been busy planning   Association can do to improve Legislative Events. If you
          both the State and Federal Legislative days. It is not too late   were not contacted by your Regional Director please feel
          to attend the Federal Legislative Conference in Washington   free to contact either your Regional Director or myself.
          DC May 3-5.                                             If you attended the event, what drew you to the event? If
                                                                  you did not attend the event, why not? Please let us know
          The IIA of IL staff is involved in a major upgrade to the   what the Association could do to improve future Legislative
          website. I have seen a preview of what is happening and   events.
          believe me it is going to be nothing short of great. You will
          hear much more on this later.                           These are just some of the highlights of the first six months.
                                                                  I am excited for the next six. The spring and summer
          Young Agents are busy planning their annual EDGE        Association calendar is filling rapidly. See page 30 for a
          Conference to be held in Springfield April 26 and 27. This   list of upcoming events. Regional directors are challenged
          is an event you will not want to miss. There will be quality   to hold at least one event in their region each year. Watch
          education as well as a lot of fun. You can register for the   the future issues of this publication as well as e-Weekly for
          event at In addition to EDGE, the Young   events in your region. If there is something you would like
          Agents have planned a Statewide Day of Giving to be held   to see happen in your region, feel free to reach out to either
          June 2 (see page 20). The focus will be to get as many   me or your Regional Director (listed on page 2). We would
          people as possible to do something charitable on that day.   love to hear from you.
          Please get involved. For event information, toolkit, t-shirt
          order form and more go to       “YOU HAVE TO THINK ANYWAY SO WHY NOT THINK
                                                                  BIG?” - Donald Trump

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