Page 17 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 17
Exhibit opens eyes to goodness during the Holocaust
By Bette Zaret | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
uring one of the most evil peri- For the months of March and April by silently. They chose another way, cial events and Holocaust and genocide
ods in world history, goodness 2020, the Butterflies of Hope and Re- and their bravery offers us a glimmer educational programming, commemo-
languages will educate people on the Demerged from unexpected he- membrance project, in collaboration of hope. rating the 75 anniversary of the end
meaning and practices of the holiday. roes. Throughout World War II, thou- with the Jewish Foundation for the The Rescuers who are featured in of WWII and the liberation of the Nazi
“The Rebbe taught that no soli- sands of Gentiles risked their own lives Righteous (JFR), the Sarasota County the exhibit all shared eight honorable concentration camps.
tary Jewish person ought to be left and the lives of their families to help Libraries, Sarasota County Histori- traits that allowed them to transcend For more information about up-
out. Every Jew, regardless of their their Jewish neighbors who were tar- cal Resources, Temple Beth Israel and limitations and obstacles, even danger, coming Butterflies of Hope and Re-
background, affiliation or even loca- geted for annihilation. The Jewish Federation of Sarasota- to protect their fellow humans. The li- membrance programs throughout
tion, should have access to the provi- More than 27,000 of these non- Manatee, is sponsoring a traveling ex- brary will also feature a poster exhibit 2020, visit www.butterfliesofhopesrq.
sions they need to celebrate Passover,” Jews have been honored by Yad hibit to be featured in the Selby Library of the eight “Traits that Transcend,” com. Below are some of the key events
said Rabbi Sholom Schmerling at the Vashem, the World Holocaust Remem- atrium. “Whoever Saves a Single Life: which include integrity, courage, inge- for the remainder of the year.
Chabad of Venice & North Port. brance Center in Jerusalem, Israel, as RESCUERS OF JEWS DURING THE nuity, cooperation, compassion, social
Community members are invited “Righteous Among the Nations” (Res- HOLOCAUST,” showcases some of responsibility, self-sacrifice and moral Upcoming Holocaust Remembrance
to participate in a community Seder to cuers). They came from different coun- those rare – but exceedingly impor- leadership. Each poster highlights two Events:
be held on Wednesday, April 8 at 7:30 tries, religions and walks of life. They tant – instances where people fought to “Righteous” individuals whose acts MAR 1 - APR 30: Traveling
pm. The Seder will feature a rich dis- did not stand by silently but, at a time safeguard their Jewish fellow citizens from the war exemplify a specific trait. Exhibit – Whoever Saves a Single
cussion about Passover, excellent food when hostility and indifference were during the Holocaust. The posters are also on display at vari- Life: Rescuers of Jews during the
and joyous singing. Rabbi Schmerling the prevalent attitudes, they stood up In a time of overwhelming death ous schools, churches, synagogues and Holocaust
will facilitate the intergenerational pro- for what was right and compassionate. and destruction, rescuers did not stand at a number of Manatee and Sarasota Selby Library, Sarasota
gram. Chabad of Venice & North Port public libraries. APR 20: Yom HaShoah Event,
is cooking for 200 people this Passover “These we honor” It is hoped that by sharing the Res- Sarasota Rabbinical Association
so they can partake in the Seder. cuers’ stories they will become the 7:30 p.m., Temple Emanu-El,
We would like to thank The Jew- Your Tributes inspiration others may need to stand Sarasota
ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee up to evil in any form they encounter. APR 21: Lecture: The Holocaust
for helping families receive help with Through education, goodness can pre- in Cinema, Dr. Andre Krauss
their Pesach matzah and meals. ANNUAL CAMPAIGN ISRAEL PROGRAMS vail, and eliminate, or at the very least 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Braden River
minimize, discrimination, hatred and
Branch Library, Bradenton
Sonic Jewish Journey IN MEMORY OF IN HONOR OF oppression of people throughout the APR 26: Yom HaShoah Event,
Marc Cohen
Sandra Hanan
world for generations to come.
Diocese of Venice
Rebecca & Rich Bergman
Susan & Russell Samson
The Jewish Foundation for the
Robin Shapiro IN MEMORY OF Righteous was established in 1986 to 2:30 p.m., Epiphany Cathedral,
Suzanne Price Karen Bernstein’s brother fulfill the traditional Jewish commit- MAY 7: VE Day – Tribute to
Vivian Carasso & Stu Chapman Bryna & Howard Tevlowitz ment to hakarat hatov, the searching the Righteous, Stanlee Stahl and
Rosalind & David Peters out and recognition of goodness. To Pastor Chris Edmonds
SKIP (Send a Kid this end, the JFR is committed to as- 6:30 p.m., The Florida Holocaust
BOB MALKIN YOUNG sisting those Righteous Gentiles who Museum, St. Petersburg
AMBASSADORS FUND to Israel Program) are in need. Currently, the organiza- NOV 8: Night of Broken Glass
IN HONOR OF IN MEMORY OF tion provides monthly financial assis- (Kristallnacht), Sponsored by
tance to aged and needy Rescuers in 18
The Jewish Federation of
Maxine Baumring
Howard Berman Patti Wertheimer countries. In addition, the Foundation Sarasota-Manatee
Rebecca & Rich Bergman preserves the memory and legacy of 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., Church of the
NOTE: To be publicly acknowledged these heroes through its national Holo- Palms
GULF COAST HILLEL in The Jewish News, Honor Cards caust education program. DEC 13: Celebration of Life &
IN MEMORY OF require a minimum $10 contribution The Butterflies of Hope and Re- Light, Chanukah in the Park Event
Sandra Hanan per listing. You can send Honor Cards membrance project is a year-long 3:00 p.m., Phillippi Estate Park,
Brenda & Herb Schimmel directly from For grassroots initiative comprised of spe- Sponsored by Chabad of Sarasota
more information, call 941.552.6304.
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