Page 21 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 21
Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old
When Seder night falls on a weekday,
invite family for the Secret Seder
By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
“ e’d better call the kids,” but now newly minted Christians were since hamish is the Yiddish word for a symbol of the burden of slavery. The
“Neofiti,” as these persecuted Jews
said Al, cell phone in
singing of “Dayenu” features green
cozy, homey and friendly.
Whand and poised to dial. called, continued to arouse the sus- As rabbi of an Italian b’nei anusim onion stalks that guests use to tap each
“It’s nearly Passover so we’ve got to picion of Inquisition authorities – so community, I have initiated the Hami- other, symbolizing the sound of the
organize the Seder!” Al’s wife Debra much so that gardeners, maids, cooks shi Secret Seder designed to bring our whips used to beat the Hebrew slaves,
agreed and, in seconds, thanks to the and nannies who worked in house- synagogue members together with local while the recitation of the Ten Plagues
internet phenomenon, Zoom, they were holds of converted Jews were offered Christian families to tell the story and includes placing the ten droplets of red
talking simultaneously to their four a bounty if they could catch their em- share Sephardic Passover traditions. wine in an old tin can which is later
grown children and six grandchildren ployers cleaning the house of chametz Symbolic Seder foods include the carried outdoors, symbolizing our wish
who are scattered (leavened bread); changing pots, pans traditional shank bone, but for us anus- that evil will stay far from our door.
from Seattle to and dishes; or preparing pane azimo im it is coupled with the bietola (blood For Al and Debra, they can con-
Montreal. (matzah), the unleavened bread eaten red beet) to symbolize the lamb’s sider making a Seder this year on the
But smiles during the Passover holiday. And then, blood on the doorposts that saved the third, fourth or fifth night of Pesach,
turned to frowns when the first night of Passover finally firstborn in Hebrew families. Locally which fall during the weekend – a
when the family arrived, Inquisition soldiers, who laid grown romaine lettuce (more bitter more convenient time for families
checked the cal- in wait for the sun to set, would burst than the American variety) replaces who live long distances to gather. As
endar to find that through the doors of what had once been horseradish, and pieces of celery stalk, they come together, families have the
the 2020 first- Jewish homes, checking to see if any of rather than parsley, serve as karpas, the unique opportunity to celebrate our
and second-night these former Jews were “judaizing,” – green vegetable that is dipped in vin- Jewish brothers and sisters – Jews who
Rabbi Barbara Aiello Seders fall on a in this case, making Passover in secret. egar, rather than saltwater. were nearly robbed of their religion,
Wednesday and Thursday night. “Bum- Observing this injustice, some The Seder meal begins with a culture and heritage, and our nameless
mer,” was all grandson Alex could say courageous Christians concocted a primo piatto of rice steamed with veg- Christian protectors whose courage
and everyone agreed. Work, school and plan to help their Jewish neighbors. At etables, because in our Sephardic or helped preserve the very traditions that
sports schedules made it impossible for great personal peril to themselves and Mediterranean tradition, rice as well as we Jews are able to enjoy today.
Al and Deb’s family to share Pesach their families (Christians who helped other kitniyot are considered kosher for Note: For a detailed description of
5780 together. Jews were often tortured and murdered Pesach. Roasted lamb is a must along Hamishi Passover traditions and reci-
The alternative? The Sephardic along with the Jews they tried to save), with mina, a layered lasagna-type pes, see Too Good to Passover, Sep-
style Hamishi Secret Seder. these Christians encouraged their Jew- meat, spinach and matzah pie brought hardic & Judeo-Arabic Seder Menus
Some historians believe that Rus- ish neighbors to hold a Seder, not on to Italy from Spain by our crypto- and Memories from Africa, Asia and
sian painter Moshe Maimon’s most the first or second night, but, in order Jewish ancestors. Europe” by Jennifer Felicia Abadi (pp.
famous work, “Marranos: Secret Sed- not to arouse the authorities’ suspi- Pesach anusim traditions begin 590-625).
er,” actually tells the story of the Seder cions, at an alternative time, often the with the lighting of the memorial can- Rabbi Barbara Aiello is the fi rst non-
Hamishi, a special Passover Seder held, fifth night. Stories are told of Christian dle in honor of our “forced ones,” fol- Orthodox rabbi and fi rst woman rabbi
not on the first or second night of Pass- families who allowed Jews to sneak lowed by the candle blessing for Yom in Italy. She is spiritual leader of the
over, but as its name suggests, on the into their Christian cantinas (base- Tov, sung in an ancient Ladino mel- fi rst active synagogue in southern Italy
fifth night of the holiday. Legend has it ment rooms) and under the cover of ody. The Seder plate itself is actually since Inquisition times, founder of Ita-
that during the time of the Inquisition, darkness, these Jewish neighbors first a ke’arah, a woven basket-type tray ly’s Pluralistic Jewish movement, and
first in Spain, then in Portugal and final- made the space kosher and then actu- covered with silk netting that makes a a mentoring rabbi for Darshan Yeshi-
ly on the islands of Sicily and Sardinia ally observed Passover complete with grand entrance to the Seder table after va’s conversion program. She is a vice
and into Italy’s mainland, Jews who symbolic foods, prayers and blessings. the kindling of light. president of Kulanu, an international
had been forced into Christian conver- Over the years, the fifth-night Sed- At the chanting of “Ha lachma Jewish organization that supports Jew-
sion (b’nei anusim) were helped, sur- er became known as the Seder Hamishi anya,” the plate of matzah is passed ish diversity worldwide. Contact Rabbi
prisingly, by their Christian neighbors. – a doubly appropriate name especially shoulder to shoulder among the guests, Aiello at
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