Page 26 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 26

26A                             April 2020                                                                 JEWISH INTEREST

        Stars of David                                                                        Interested in Your

        By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
        Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish              Family’s History?

        for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
        ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify

        with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are   Nate Bloom (see column at le ) has become a family history expert in 10

        also identified as Jewish.                                                    years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
                                                                                      when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
        Broadcast, Cable and Streaming        every  genre  (including  Casablanca,   full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start

        Offerings: Catch-Up and Look Ahead     White Christmas and Mildred Pierce).    with a limited search of one family line.

        The Plot Against America is a six-part   The film covers the production of Cas-
        HBO  series  that  started  on  Monday,   ablanca, which was made just before                 So here’s the deal:
        March  16.  It’s  based  on  the  novel  of   and just after America entered the war
        the same name by the late  PHILIP     in December 1941. Curtiz had to fend    Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
        ROTH. The novel and series posit an   off script interference from studio ex-  Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that

        alternative American history. Franklin   ecutives while coping with a dysfunc-
        Roosevelt is defeated in the 1940 presi-  tional  relationship  with  his  daughter.   goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
        dential election by Charles Lindbergh,   YAN FELDMAN, 46, an Ireland-born     The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,

        the  famous  aviator  who was, in  real   and  raised  “landsman,”  co-stars  as
        life,  a  xenophobic  isolationist.  Lind-  JULIUS EPSTEIN (Julius and his iden-  several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
        bergh turns the nation toward fascism,   tical twin brother PHILIP won the Os-  friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
        tinged with more than just a little anti-  car for writing Casablanca). Feldman   great for them. So contact him about this as well.
        Semitism. The  impact  of  Lindbergh’s   is  distantly  related  to  the  late,  great
        policies is told via its effects on a New   comic actor MARTY FELDMAN.

        Jersey working class Jewish family,       Run is an original HBO series that   on ABC on Monday, April 13. It is a   daughter  after  his  wife’s  death  a  day
        called  the  Levins  in  the  HBO  series.   begins on Sunday, April 12. The main   romantic-comedy-musical series based   after  she gave birth.  PAUL  WEITZ,
        The  story  is  mostly  told  through  the   characters are Ruby and Billy, a couple   on a hit Israeli series of the same name.   54, co-wrote and directed the film. The

        perspective of Philip Levin, a 10-year-  who entered into a pact while in col-  Set in Miami, it follows Daniel Garcia,   Lovebirds is a romantic comedy about
        old boy. The cast includes MORGAN     lege: if either couldn’t stand their life   who works in his family’s bakery and   a charming  couple  who are  uninten-
        SPECTOR,  39,  as  Herman,  Philip’s   anymore, they would text the other per-  does everything that his loving Cuban   tionally involved in a murder mystery.
        father,  and  WINONA RYDER,  48,      son the word “run” and the other per-  parents and siblings expect him to do.   It was directed by MICHAEL SHOW-
        as Evelyn, Philip’s aunt. Plot was co-  son would drop everything and travel   But on a wild Miami night after break-  ALTER, 49. He was long best known
        created  by  DAVID SIMON,  60  (The   to New York to meet the “texter.” After   ing  up  with  his  girlfriend,  he  meets   as a comedic actor (Hot Wet American
        Wire), and he wrote or co-wrote four of   the  meet,  they  would  travel  together   Noa Hamilton, an international super-  Summer) before moving over to direct-
        the episodes.                         across  America.  Well,  17  years  after   star  and  fashion  mogul,  and  his  life   ing. His first three films got fairly good

            Curtiz, which began streaming     graduation, Ruby texts “run” to Billy.   moves into the spotlight as the pair dis-  reviews but didn’t make much money.

        on  Netflix  on  Wednesday,  March  25,   The recurring cast includes TAMARA   cover a mutual attraction toward each   That changed with The Big Sick (2017),

        is a 2018 dramatic film that played a   PODEMSKI,  43,  as  a  police  officer.   other.  The  supporting  cast  includes   a romantic comedy about an interracial
        limited  number  of  theaters  last  year.   Tamara and her actress sisters (SARA  DAN BUCATINSKY, 54. You almost   couple who overcome many obstacles,
        It was also screened at several Jewish   and JENNIFER PODEMSKI) are the     certainly know him from scores of TV   including illness. This low-budget in-

        film festivals. The title refers to direc-  daughters  of  an  Israeli  father  and  an   guest roles. His parents were born and   die film got great reviews and made a

        tor  MICHAEL  CURTIZ  (1912-61),      Aboriginal (Indian) Canadian mother.   raised  in  Argentina,  so  Dan  almost   lot of money.
        who was born in Hungary and arrived   Podemski, the granddaughter of a Ho-  certainly  speaks Spanish. It’s not yet
        in America in 1926. He was known as   locaust  survivor,  studied  Hebrew  lit-  known whether that is true of his char-  Need to reach the editor

        a difficult man and there was a famous   erature in college and has appeared at   acter, too.                           of The Jewish News?
        line  that his accent  was so thick  that   forums in which she has discussed the   At the Movies
        he was “incomprehensible in five lan-  similarities and differences in the Jew-  Opening  Friday,  April  3  are  Father-  Send an email to

        guages.” However, he was a very good   ish and “First Nation” experiences.   hood  and  The Lovebirds.  Fatherhood
        director who turned out good films in     The Baker & the Beauty premieres   is about a single man who brings up his


                                                                           APRIL 28-29, 2020

                                                                           NOON TO NOON



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