Page 28 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 28
Israel: The top 10 tech trends for 2020
What sectors will be disruptive and actionable in the coming year?
OurCrowd experts share predictions and name Israeli firms advancing these fields.
By Abigail Klein Leichman,, February 18, 2020
“ op 10 Tech Trends for 2020, two years. So, without further ado, here are omous vehicles by the middle of the
and Beyond” was one of the At the opening session, OurCrowd trends to expect in the coming years. decade. Since then, the technical chal-
Tmost packed plenary sessions CEO Jon Medved told delegates he be- Lab steaks get tasty lenges involved have moved out the
at the OurCrowd Global Investor Sum- lieves that “Together we can make this Global demand for meat and seafood is timeline considerably. Passenger and
mit, held February 13 at the Jerusalem next decade a truly Roaring Twenties.” at an all-time high. Negative environ- pedestrian safety is among the biggest
International Convention Center. And what directions will technol- mental impact, overfishing and animal hurdles to overcome.
The largest tech event in the Mid- ogy take in this roaring decade? Our- suffering have increased as meat pro- Israeli startups leading this field:
dle East and the biggest business event Crowd Senior Investment Partner Eli duction has grown five-fold in the last Companies such as Cartica and Brod-
in Israel’s history, this year’s summit Nir and OurCrowd Partner Stav Erez six years. “Supply cannot keep up in a mann17 are innovating AI technology
attracted 23,000 registrants from 183 shared their predictions. sustainable way,” said Nir. that can bridge the safety gap until full
countries, including 22 Arab or Mus- Erez is also executive vice presi- Israeli startup leading this field: vehicle autonomy is reached. Vizible-
lim nations. Over the course of the day, dent of business development for Aleph Farms is one of several Israeli zone is focused on protecting pedes-
231 Israeli and international experts Labs/02, a seed-stage deep-tech incu- startups working toward the commer- trians by harnessing the power of
spoke at 34 sessions. bator in Jerusalem run by OurCrowd cialization of cultivated meat and sea- smartphone location sensors.
OurCrowd, the largest global in collaboration with India’s Reliance food made in bioreactors using animal AI beats Moore’s Law
venture investing platform, has been and U.S.-based Motorola Solutions cells. “They’re growing steaks that Moore’s “law” is a prediction from
ranked “Most active venture investor and Hebrew University’s Yissum tech- look and taste as if they originated in a 1965 that processor speeds would
in Israel” by Pitchbook for the past transfer company. cow,” said Nir. double every two years. This predic-
Our brains get wired tion was accurate for several decades
The human brain has been evolving and guided the semiconductor industry,
for millions of years. Machines have said Erez. “However, artificial intelli-
been around for only about 200 years. gence has accelerated faster than the
The new field of brain-computer (or development of traditional processors
brain-machine) interface explores how since 2012, doubling every three and a
the brain can communicate with an ex- half months.”
ternal device. Elon Musk’s Neuralink, Israeli startup leading this field:
for example, is developing implantable Hailo is developing deep-learning pro-
brain-machine interfaces. cessors for edge devices.
Israeli startup leading this field: If you are not scared of the dark,
CorrActions is developing a plug- you should be
and-play SaaS (software as a service) The Dark Web is the part of the inter-
platform to prevent disastrous human- net that cannot be indexed by search
machine interface errors noninvasive- engines such as Google. This hidden
ly. The software decodes the brain’s world is a hotspot for illegal activity
early error-detection signals and hu- including drugs, human trafficking and
man touch. It translates these signals fake IDs. It has also become the pre-
into actions that prevent errors in real ferred location for hackers to orches-
time, faster than the body receives trate and plant cyberattacks.
those signals. Israeli startup leading this field:
The race to autonomous vehicles Sixgill (which just raised $15 million Get to know Israel and her people!
becomes a marathon in a second funding round) automati-
Just two years ago, most analysts pre- cally searches the Dark Web for any
dicted widescale deployment of auton- continued on next page Visit
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