Page 32 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 32

32A                             April 2020                                                                          COMMENTARY

        Europe’s lessons for the struggle against anti-Semitism                                                                                             took place in Paris in 2014. An odd as-

        By Simone Rodan-Benzaquen, March 2, 2020                                                                                                            sortment of people – “ultra-Catholics”
        The Atlantic magazine invited Ameri-  grettable  caution  about  the  dangers   Majorities and minorities must respect   as  important  to  Britain’s  democracy  opposed to the idea of same-sex mar-
                                                                                                                                                            riage; the far right; elements of the far
        can  Jewish  Committee  (AJC)  Europe   of wearing a kippah in public. In the   one another. And everyone, while leav-  could be so vulnerable to takeover by  left; and young people from immigrant
        Director Simone Rodan-Benzaquen to    United Kingdom, each of the past three   ing  space  for  debate,  should  at  least   extremists and racists was unthinkable.

        share her analysis of rising anti-Semi-  years has brought a new high in anti-  rally  around  a  shared  vision,  finding   But that should serve as a stark warn- backgrounds  –  demonstrated  against
        tism in Europe and the United States,   Semitic  incidents.  The  U.K.  Equal-  ground for common ideals rather than   ing to people in the states that if that  the government of François Hollande.
                                                                                                                                                            Some shouted “Jews, out of France!”
        and  recommendations,  based  on  the   ity  and  Human  Rights  Commission   focusing on divisions.              can happen in the Labour Party in the  and “Jews, France is not yours!” pro-
        experience  in  Europe,  on what  can   has launched an investigation into the   But unfortunately, we are living in   U.K., it can happen here.”   viding a sad reminder that people who
        and should be done in the U.S. to fight   Labour  Party  for  “institutional  anti-  a time of identity politics, conspiracy   In this context, it can lead to a situ-

        all forms of hatred against Jews. “We   Semitism,” and many Jewish members   theories  and  lies.  The  ties  that  once   ation where anti-Semitism  can also  have  nothing  in  common  can  and  do
        have come to understand that no single   have left the party.               united our societies – truth, an idea of   come from those who have made their  come together in their hatred of Jews.
                                                                                                                                                               The most important lesson of the
        country is immune  to anti-Semitism.      The  picture  is  depressingly  grim   the common good – are falling apart.   objective  protecting  minority rights.  European experience  for the U.S. is

        Europe’s  experience  offers  a  caution-  across the European continent. Seeing   Dialogue and compromise, the essence   The  French  historian  Pierre-André  the  need  to  analyze  and  confront  all

        ary tale for the United States,” Simone   a similar phenomenon arise in the U.S.   of our communities, are dysfunctional.   Taguieff defines this new Judeophobia
        writes.                               feels for many European Jews like a   Radical  rhetoric  on  the  left  and  the   as an ideological framework in which  forms of anti-Semitism without excep-
                n October 28, 2018, I was at   scary  déjà  vu,  confirming  to  Jews  on   right is the political  language of the   Jews are no longer seen as an enemy  tion,  and  to  depoliticize  the  problem

                                                                                                                                                            entirely.  Europe  wasted  many  years
                home in Paris, a blissful bub-  both sides of the Atlantic just how bad   day,  aided –  and,  one  might  even  ar-  race,  but as a people  conveying the  by not addressing the more contempo-
        Oble,  feeding  my  one-month-        the situation has become.             gue, provoked – by the echo chambers   putatively racist ideology of Zionism.  rary forms of anti-Semitism, because
        old baby girl, when I got the news of     Two recent studies from the Amer-  of Big Data and social media.        This allows the battle against Jews to
        the massacre of Jewish worshippers    ican Jewish Committee – one in France    Extremists,  whether  religious  or   be presented as part of an antiracist or  it was politically uncomfortable to do

        at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pitts-  with the Foundation for Political Inno-  political, subscribe to exclusive ideolo-  antifascist agenda, leading them to be  so. It was difficult for many to realize
                                                                                                                                                            and then admit, for example, that anti-
        burgh.  One  thought  repeated  in  my   vation,  a  French  think  tank,  and  one   gies based on the conviction that they   excluded and sometimes even targeted. Semitism could come from individuals
        head:  That’s it.  A haven  for Jews in   in the U.S. with SSRS, a leading poll-  possess the absolute truth. At a time of   The  second  source  of  resurgent  who  themselves  were  suffering  from

        the diaspora  doesn’t exist anymore. I   ing firm – showed heightened anxiety   instability and change, they are looking   anti-Semitism comes from the far right,

        had feared for years that this moment   among Jews. In France, 70 percent of   for  purity  and  authenticity,  as  French   with the proliferation of white-nation- discrimination.
                                                                                                                                                               Those  willing  to  combat  anti-
        would eventually arise, when the can-  Jews have personally experienced anti-  author  Marc  Weitzmann  has  argued.   alist  conspiracy theories  as well as  Semitism  only when it stems from
        cer of anti-Semitism would spread to   Semitism, while in the U.S., a stagger-  Whether for Islamists striving for reli-  revisionist  Holocaust-denial  writings  their opponents, while rationalizing the
        liberal democracies around the world,   ing 35 percent of the Jewish population   gious purity, the far right striving to be   online and off. Although the growing  phenomenon when it comes from their

        including to the one place that had al-  reported that they had been the target   “true Americans”  or  “true  Germans,”   populist  movements  on  both  sides  of

        ways  seemed  safe  to  me:  the  United   of anti-Jewish hatred over the past five   or even the far left seeking to rid the   the Atlantic are not anti-Semitic at first  own  camp, are not helping. They are
        States of America.                    years.                                world of “imperialists,” Jews are and   glance, they often play with a certain  merely playing a political game. Only
                                                                                                                                                            an approach that fights all forms of ha-

            In France, the disease started near-  A third of the respondents, both in   always  have  been  the  perfect  scape-  sense of ambiguity, never entirely push- tred against Jews in equal measure can
        ly 20 years ago. The first anti-Semitic   France and in the U.S., said that they   goats.                         ing away their anti-Semitic followers.  be effective.

        murder  occurred  in  2003.  Sebastian   had taken concrete steps to hide their   In Europe, just as in the U.S., anti-  And  finally,  in  Europe  more  so
        Sellam, a young French DJ, was killed   Jewish identity, including not display-  Semitism  is  multifaceted.  It  is  en-  than  in  the  U.S.,  a  dramatic  increase   Europe  also  holds  other  lessons
        by his childhood friend, who shouted   ing visible Jewish symbols and refrain-  trenched in parts of the left where an   in  anti-Semitism  comes  from  within  for  the  United  States,  some  drawn
                                                                                                                                                            from the mistakes it made in confront-
        after the murder, “I killed my Jew! I’ll   ing from wearing traditionally Jewish   irrational  aversion  to  Israel  can  lead   minority  groups, in particular  from  ing anti-Semitism. We in Europe have
        go to heaven! Allah guided me!” Since   clothing in public.                 to the embrace of anti-Semitic tropes.   within parts of Muslim communities.  suffered from the lack of an effective

        then, 14 other French Jews have been      The question in Europe, and also in   Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party in the   Nearly  all  violent  anti-Semitic  at-
        killed simply because they were Jews.   the U.S., is: Why is this happening now?  U.K. provides one example; statements   tacks in Europe over the past 20 years  political  response  to  increasing  anti-
        In 2018, there was a 74 percent spike     The causes are multiple but, most   m ade by Representative Ilhan Omar of   have  been  committed  by  jihadists. Semitism. Too many years have been

                                                                                                                                                            wasted  during  which  politicians  first
        in  anti-Semitic  hate  crimes,  followed   important,  the rising  anti-Semitism   Minnesota provide another.    Anti-Semitism can be understood only  denied, then hesitated, and finally paid

        by another 27 percent increase in 2019.  seems to be the symptom of a crisis   As  the  former  British  Labour   with this multifocal  lens, keeping  in  lip  service  before  realizing  that  the
            Meanwhile,  in  Germany,  anti-   in the current system of liberal,  plu-  member  of  Parliament  Ian Austin  re-  mind that the varied sources often are
        Semitic incidents increased so sharply   ralist  democracies  around  the  world.   cently said in an interview with James   interconnected. Take, for example, the  problem had grown to such magnitude

        that the country’s anti-Semitism com-  Democracies  thrive  on  shared  val-  Kirchick:  “The  idea  that  an  institu-  “day  of  anger,”  a  demonstration  that  that it had become difficult to reverse
                                                                                                                                                            the tide. Public authorities must instead
        missioner,  Felix  Klein,  issued  a  re-  ues, political debate and compromise.   tion as robust as the Labour Party and      continued on next page  unequivocally condemn anti-Semitism
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