Page 23 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 23

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                            April 2020                                   23A

 Bearing witness: Andrea Simon’s Bashert marks   K’zohar Ha-Ivrit

 an important addition to the Holocaust canon  Diy – Enough                                                                                              ה"ב

        By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
              esach  is  entering  our  door.  As   multiple bounties, much more than we
              we  do  each  year,  we  welcome   possibly could have comprehended.
        Pthe  holiday  of  springtime  in  a      The word diy is at the center of a
        Seder  ritual.  We  read  the  Haggadah,   few interesting phrases and idioms in
        recalling  our far past, remembering   Hebrew. For example, when one wish-
                           God’s   miracles   es to stop someone from talking non-
                           bestowed   upon    sense, one might simply say diy! The            JOIN US FOR A
                           us through narra-  tone  of  the  voice  will  emphasize  the
                           tions  and  songs   meaning. Also,  when  we  wish  to  ex-
                           celebrating  faith   press the fact that we have more than
                           and freedom. One   enough of something, the phrase is diy
                           of the poems,      ve-hoter, literally  meaning  “ample.”          PESACH
                           which sums up      The phrase ad bli diy, which literally
                           the  theme  of the   means “without a limit,” can imply a
                           Seder  ritual,  is   similar meaning, namely “too much.”
           Dr. Rachel Dulin  called  Diy-ye-nu.   From rabbinic literature I wish to
        It is sung after we recall the 10 plagues   mention the idiom diy le-cha-ki-ma bir-   SEDER
        which befell upon the Egyptians, pre-  mi-za, which literally means “a hint is

        cipitating  the  end  of  slavery  and  the   sufficient for the wise.” This is a phrase

        miraculous Exodus.                    which implies that a wise person gets
            Diy-ye-nu is an interesting pi-yut.   the hint, and there is no need for further   WITH CHABAD OF DOWNTOWN SRQ
        It  is  a  religious poem  that  lists  the   explanation (Midrash Prov 22:6). Also,
        blessings which, we as a nation, were   I wish to mention the idiom da-ya tsa-
        endowed with by God. The poem be-     ra bish-a-tah, literally  “a  problem  is        WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 | 8:00 PM
        gins  by  recalling  the  plagues  and  the   limited to its own hour.” That is to say,
        Exodus.  It  proceeds  in  narrating  the   there is no need to worry about an issue
        survival in the desert to the receiving   which does not exist at the moment. It
        of the gifts of Shabbat and Torah. The   may happen, but worrying in advance           RSVP FOR ADDRESS
        pi-yut ends with the triumphal entrance   is futile (B’rakhot 9).
        into the Land of Israel. Each line in the   As we sit at the Pesach Seder en-
        poem ends with the word Diy-ye-nu.    joying the songs and the meal, let us            - Warm and inviting atmosphere
            What  does  diy-ye-nu mean?  Diy-  raise  a  cup  of  wine  in  gratitude  and     - Delicious Passover Cuisine
        ye-nu is derived from the adverb diy,   sing Diy-ye-nu, recalling all the bless-       - Enjoy a meaningful and interactive Seder
        meaning “enough” or “sufficient.” The   ings  bestowed  upon  us.  At  the  same

        suffix  nu  implies  first-person  plural,   time let us say loudly and clearly diy,     Cost: Adults $54 | Children $18 | Family $150

        namely “us.” Therefore, diy-ye-nu, in   “enough!,” to those anti-Semites who

        one  word,  means  “it  is  sufficient  for   rise  in  every  generation  and  wish  to

        us”  or,  as  some  translate,  “it  would   harm us.  Ve-diy  le-cha-ki-ma  bir-mi-   For more info and to RSVP Call: 941-928-9267
        have  been  enough  for  us.”  As  each   za, a hint suffices. Chag Pesach Sa-me-        Email:

        blessing is recorded, it is sealed with   ach to all.                        
        the statement diy-ye-nu, implying that   Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
        this  blessing,  in  and  of  itself,  would   of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-
        have been sufficient. But the list con-  lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct

        tinues. At the end of the poem we are   professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
        cognizant of the fact that we received   College in Sarasota.
                                                                                           Temple Beth Sholom

                  C   h  a  g   P   a  s  s  o  v  e  r  S  a  m  e  a  c  h  !
                                                                                              Sarasota's Conservative Synagogue
                                 f  r  o  m  a  l  l  o  f  u  s  a  t
                                                                                                 "Where community is family and egalitarian
                                                                                              Conservative Judaism thrives in Sarasota through
                                                                                                  prayer, learning, and community service.”

                                                                                                           H  I  G  H  L  I  G  H  T  S

                                                                                            Daily  Morning  Minyan
                                                                                                                          Shabbat    &  Holidays
                                                                                           Continuing   Education
                                                                                                                               Mah   Jongg
              1050 South Tuttle Avenue Sarasota, FL 34237                                       Social  Action               Kosher  Kitchen
                                       941.955.8121                                            Youth   Groups           Sisterhood  &  Men's  Club

                                                                                               Idelson  Library
                                                                                                                            Jewish  Cemetery
                                                                                             Holocaust   Garden
                                                                                                                              Mindful  Yoga
                                                 Inclusive  Community            Judaica  Museum

               C  O  M   M   U  N  I  T  Y  P  A  S  S  O  V  E  R  S  E  D  E  R

                           T  H  U  R  S  D  A  Y  ,  A  P  R  I  L  9

                                       6  :  0  0  P  M

                     Join  us  for  a  fun,  interactive,   and   warm
                  Seder!    We   will  have:   a  traditional    Passover

                    dinner,   engaging      &  meaningful      Passover

                  storytelling,   classic   Passover     songs,   &  more.

                                  RSVP     by  4.3.20    at


                   Don't   forget   to  submit   your   kids'  names    for
                                 the  afikomen      search!

                                  Adults:  $68;  Youth:  $36
                 Vegan    &  Gluten-free  Options   Available    by  Request

         Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event cancellations/postponements. 
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