Page 38 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 38

38A                             April 2020                                                                          COMMENTARY

        75  anniversary of Auschwitz liberation
        observed in Poland and Jerusalem

        By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
              he observance began in Jerusa-  President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and   Hungary and Ukraine feature such re-  area of their captivity. They wept, they
              lem on January 23. It was called   U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.    visionist  thoughts as countries  try to   pointed to places where they stood in
        Tthe World Holocaust Forum and            There were, however, a number of   free themselves from their involvement   line to be counted by the Nazi guards.
        it took place at Yad Vashem. Forty-five   countries whose leaders                    in causing the Holocaust.    They  walked  in  and  out  of  the  gas

        world  leaders  attended  the  75  anni-  did  not  participate  be-                    Israel’s  Prime  Minister   chambers,  remembering  relatives  and
        versary of the liberation of Auschwitz   cause  politics  asserted                   Benjamin  Netanyahu  re-     friends whose lives were taken in the

        that  took  place  January  27,  1945.  It   its  ugly  head  and  led               fused to bow to the politics of   most  horrific  manner  possible.  They
        was  supposed  to  be  an  opportunity   them to refrain from be-                    the moment. He concentrat-   stood in silence as they listened to Is-
        for  world  leaders  to  face  the  horror   ing at Yad Vashem. Po-                  ed  his  efforts  on  letting  the   rael’s President Reuven Rivlin state the

        of  the  concentration  camp,  denounce   land’s President Andrzej                   world know how the Jewish    following:  “We  remember  that  Nazi
        all who aided in the death of over one   Duda was not invited to                     people react to the reality of   Germany  initiated,  planned  and  ex-
        million Jews in this place of murder. It   speak and thus remained                   the Holocaust and what this   ecuted the Jewish genocide in Poland
        was supposed to be a reminder to the   at home. Ukraine’s Pres-                      anniversary means to Israel   as well as elsewhere, and that it bears
        world of the evil perpetrated by Nazi   ident Volodymyr Zelen-                       and  world  Jewry.  He  stated   full responsibility for its actions. How-

        Germany  on  all  people  “different”   sky,  of  Jewish  descent,   Rabbi Howard A. Simon  that  “Auschwitz  and  Jeru-  ever, it is also remembered that Nazi
        from the “superior race,” especially the   was snubbed by the conference com-  salem are an abyss and a peak. Ausch-  Germany  was  greatly  assisted  in  its
        Jews  who  Hitler  wanted  to  eradicate   mittee and gave his delegation’s seats   witz  extermination,  Jerusalem  revival.   murderous  acts  by  countries  through-
        from the world. The spotlight centered   to Holocaust survivors. The reason for   Auschwitz enslavement, Jerusalem free-  out Europe, and this conduct demands
        on  Russian  President  Vladimir  Putin,   these actions was because World War   dom. Auschwitz death, Jerusalem life.”  responsibility.”
        France’s President Emmanuel Macron,   II and Holocaust revisionism is present   He took steps to point out the fact   Two observances. Terrible remind-
        England’s  Prince  Charles,  Germany’s   throughout  Eastern  Europe.  Poland,   that Auschwitz represented the lack of   ers. A  time  of  hate,  demonic  actions
                                                                                    power  of  the  Jewish  people.  He  then   and  the  death  of  six  million  of  our
            Do you really want a RoboAdvisor?                                       said, “Today we have a voice, we have   people. A  host  of  countries  and  their
                                                                                    a shield, we have a land.”
                                                                                                                          leaders deny this fact, but they will not
                                                                                       Four days later, on January 27, at   erase the reality of Auschwitz and ev-
                                                                                    the Auschwitz-Birkenau  camp  in  Po-  ery  other  concentration  camp.  Death
                                                                                    land,  200  survivors  of  the  Holocaust   ruled during these years of the Second
                                                 We’re putting “personal”           gathered  to  observe  the  75  anniver-  World War. Life was expendable, espe-
                                                 back in personal finance.          sary of their day of freedom. It was a   cially Jewish lives. That was then. Not

                                                 Call us today and                  totally different gathering, but many of   so today. Am Yisrael Chai, the people
                                                                                    the concerns dealt with at the Jerusa-
                                                                                                                          of Israel live. The Jewish voice is no
                                                 let’s get personal.                lem observance manifested themselves   longer silent. We speak out on behalf
                                                                                    at Auschwitz. It was here that Poland’s   of freedom, liberty and support for all

                                                 Amanda E. Stiff, Financial Advisor  President  Duda  stated  that  “the  mag-  those who are threatened by the reali-
                                                                                    nitude of the crime perpetrated in this   ties  of  our  ever-so-threatened  world.
                                                                                    place  is terrifying,  but we must  not   We care, we remember, we will not for-
                                                                                    look  away  from  it  and  we  must  not   get and we will not stand idle against
                                                                                    ever forget it.” Survivor Marian Turski   the threat of anti-Semitism wherever it
                                                                                    reminded  the  world  to  “not  be  indif-  occurs. Such are the lessons taught by
                                                                                    ferent when you see historical lies. Do   the past. Such is the determination of

                                                                                    not  be  indifferent  when  any  minority   the present. Such is the way of life for
                                                                                    is  discriminated  against.  Democracy   the future.
   941 330 9260       hinges on the rights of minorities be-  Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
           1800 Second Street Suite 895 Sarasota, FL 34236  1305 Langhorne Road Lynchburg, VA 24503
                                                                                    ing protected. The 11  commandment    ing chair of the Robert and Esther

         Security and Advisory services offered through Harbor Financial Services, LLC Member FINRA/SIPC clearing through Raymond James   must be: Thou shalt not be indifferent.”  Heller Community Relations Commit-
         & Associates, Inc. Member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. Access Advisors, LLC is not an affiliate nor subsidiary of Harbor Financial
         Services, LLC.                                                                The  survivors  walked  about  the   tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
             build.                                       advocate.

                               r r r r r em         ember                              .
               Government Affairs
                  Meetings with elected officials are increasingly important as we see
                    support for Israel eroding around the world. Advocating for Jewish
                      interests starts locally and often goes to Washington D.C. You can
                        count on the Heller CRC when it matters most, from advocating in
                          our local school systems to championing national bills.

                                                                                                                             ^  Builds Bridges
                                                                Robert and Esther Heller                           ^  Advocates through
                                                                     CRC                                            Government Affairs

                                                                COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE       ^  Remembers the Holocaust

                                                                                                                  ^  Supports Hillel


                                                   Heller CRC assists school teachers, synagogues and
                                                     churches as well as local libraries to “Never Forget.”
                                                      The Holocaust Speakers Bureau brings personal
                                                        stories told by survivors themselves to school
                                                         children and adults alike, leaving lasting memories
                                                           for those who hear them. Such stories generate
                                                            change, creating upstanders not bystanders.

                          HELLER CRC’S MISSION

                         To build relationships within
                      the Jewish and non-Jewish
                    communities and to advance
                  common interests through

                education and advocacy.                                                                

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