Page 41 - Jewish News_April 2020
P. 41

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                             April 2020                                   41A

 Temple Emanu-El presents a family second-night Seder Community Day students hear from Holocaust survivor

                uring the summer of 2019,     historical view provided by Canadian   cluding  St.  Martha  Catholic  School,   not only to serve as an anchor point for

                Hershorin  Schiff  Commu-      Howard  Chandler,  a  survivor  of  the   Cardinal  Mooney  and  Community   studies  on  civil  rights  and  genocide,
        Dnity Day School’s chair of its       dark time.                            Day School. He told his story: of life   but also to drive home the lesson that
        middle school social studies program,     Ruben  says  Chandler’s  commen-  in his village, how his family was tak-  students must be ready to resist injus-
        Leslie Ruben, participated in “Poland   tary really drove home the lessons of   en by  the  Nazis,  how  he never again   tice at its inception.
        Personally,” a program of Classrooms   the  Holocaust  for  the  Poland  Person-  saw  his  mother  and  younger  brother   “A  society  doesn’t  just  jump  to
        Without  Borders  (sponsored  by  The   ally participants, most of whom were   after  their  “selection  day,”  and  his   concentration camps – it starts small,”
        Jewish Federation of Sarasota-        not Jewish.                           story of survival of the Auschwitz con-  said  Ruben.  “It’s  important  to  show
        Manatee).  Ruben  traveled  with  a       In February, Chandler was brought   centration  camp.  Then  the  students   students  that  how  people  treat  each
        group of educators to Poland to learn   to our community to speak to students   –  in  grades  6-8  –  peppered  him  with   other,  when  civil  rights  are  violated,
        about  the  Holocaust,  with  a  firsthand   at several area private  schools, in-  questions.                    and when a society starts stoking a fear

                                                                                       Ruben  says  the  firsthand  account   of ‘the other,’ that this can be linked to

                                                                                    of the horrors of the Holocaust helps   genocides such as the Holocaust.”

        Community Day School students listen intently to Holocaust survivor Howard Chandler’s presentation
                                                                                           Hershorin Schiff Community Day School

                                                                                                            Preschool - 8th grade

                                                                                     Where students learn, lead and laugh together
                                                                                                    The Community Day School difference:

                                                                                                  A Jewish day school that is committed to diversity
                                                                                                         Rigorous, project-based learning
                                                                                                     Healthy and active outdoor learning daily
                                                                                                  Music and art for every child, every week, all year
                                                                                                               Competitive athletics
                                                                                                 Variable Tuition Model – affordable for every family
                                                                                                        Accredited by FCIS, FKC & PRIZMAH

                                                                                                       Hershorin Schiff Community Day School
                                                                                                                  1050 S. Tuttle Ave. Sarasota
                                                                                                        (941) 552-2770 |
            Community Day School teacher Snait Ben-Herut chats with special guest Howard Chandler


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